December 22, 2016

Fresh Air

   "Well maybe if you stopped getting hurt Reese would stop putting you in bubble wrap."

Katie couldn't help the small grin on her face. She new Jason hated being treated like this but she also new no matter what they told Reese he still would. Its just how it worked, and Katie didnt mind to much honestly. She always hated seeing Jason hurt. 

As Eli drew closer  Katie new she had seen him around the races when she had been with Hunter. Hearing his name she gave a thoughtful nod remembering now he was Ryan's brother. He was there see here. That was odd and Katie couldn't help but be just a little leery herself. 

   "Yeah, I have a few moments to talk."

Once Jason was gone and Eli came in and said he wanted to talk to her about Hunter Katie could feel the hair on her neck bristle. Had something happened to Hunter? Was he ok? Her mind reeled with questions and a bit of confusion as well. 

Just letting Eli continue Katie was happy he explained a little more as she started to understand. She new what had been going on with Ryan and though her didn't know her personally she felt very bad for her. Maybe going to her family's ranch would be a good thing and help her if even just a little that had to be better than where she was at now. 

   "In all honesty....Hunter is a good guy. He has his issues he is working through but really who dosent? He's cleaned his act up well, and is probable one of the most honorable guys I know. I was really happy with him and he never did wrong by me. heart was else where."

Stopping for a second it was still a hard topic for her to talk about. But Katie new things had worked the way they were meant to and she hoped Hunter was doing ok still. Searching Eli's face for a long moment Katie was thoughtful. She was never one to share her own experiences but she new where Eli was coming from and why.

   "When I first met Hunter I had some stuff happen. I ended up getting pretty drunk. My first time ever actually. I ended up crashing at Hunters house because I was way to far gone to go anywhere. He was a complete gentleman and didn't take advantage of the situation when he could have. He's a good guy and your sister should be safe with him. I'd actully hate to see anyone try to mess with her while he's around. "

Katie didn't know if she did a good job explaining and making Eli feel more comfortable but she hope she did. The ranch could be good for Ryan. Something different to just breath, and relax. 

Finishing off his lunch Nate new he needed to work soon. At least he got to chat with Garret a little today, and despite the situation he seemed to be doing ok. He wished he could do more but right now all anyone could do was wait.

   "You're welcome Garret and she was happy to do it."

Pushing his chair back and standing Nate put a hand on Garret's shoulder. He just needed to keep hanging on and maybe waiting was the hardest part of all.

   "I guess I should actually try and get some work done. Remember your not alone even if it feels like you are. I'll see you again soon."

Sam thought for a long moment and searches Aaron's face. His eyes told her he was telling the truth. If he could leave without hurting anyone he really would. She believe him, for some reason she did. In a way to it pained her to know she couldn't let him go.

   "I believe you wouldn't hurt anyone, but I can't let you go. If I let you go, you'd go back to the Agency and than they would surly kill you. I can't let that happen. Your cooperation would be very useful to the Elite, but not enough to let you go back."

Bringing her legs up to sit cross legged Sam thought again for a long moment. She did feel bad for Aaron in a way. Being cooped up in here all the time would drive her crazy too. She wondered though if maybe she could work something out.

   "I can see about getting you out for some fresh air though once your leg is a little better. Wont be an amazing adventure or anything but at least it will would be something."

Looking up as Justin came into the room Hope tried to smile the best she could considering the situation. She was tired, she had a lot going through her mind and to be sitting here again was just hard. But she couldn't leave. If Scott woke up she wanted him to know he wasn't alone.

   "I could use some coffee, but other than that is just a waiting game. The doctor said there was no massive brain damage so that's good at least."

Looking back at Scott and giving his hand a little squeeze to let him know she was still there. As long as he new that it mattered. Letting out a small sigh she looked to Justin again wondering how he was.

   "How are you doing? I haven't see you in a while."