December 19, 2016

No Reason

Just sitting there and listing to Garret Nate new he couldn't argue with him. Things had been rough here, and from someone outside looking in, someone who was in hot water, trying to start new, it was much different than one might expect and in a way maybe they were like the Agency. Not to the point of killing people, but in many ways.

No matter how much Garret messed up, no matter what he had done, or what he had gone through he didn't deserve to e treated like this. The Agency its all he ever new. He never had a choice or chance at anything else in life. If Garret choose to run one day, he'd help him all he could. Right or wrong, Nate couldn't stop his heart from feeling for the friendship that had been formed here.

Hearing what Rick had to say Hope had to sit down once again. She couldn't help the tears that streamed down her face. How could this happen? Would Scott be ok? Would he be worse now that he was before? So many things ran through her mind.

   "I'd like to go with Scott to the hospital please."

Going inside and met by Reese Nate really hadn't expected anything else. It still hurt more than anyone would ever know though as his heart broke for Garret. His face had pain for this whole situation written  all over it, and he didn't even have the energy to hide it.

   "No, I'm not going to cuff you. I have no reason too."

Not saying anything else to anyone else Nate lead the way and had Garret follow him. Getting down the steps and to the cell and opened the door and stepped to the side. Looking at Garret again he let out a long sigh and shook his head.

   "Just sit tight, I'm going to talk, possibly yell at Reese. I don't know how long it will take me, but don't give up."

Waiting for Garret to get inside Nate started to close the door behind him again before stopping. He didn't know how much his words meant to Garret. After being with his family, after accepting him into his family he didn't know if Garret considered him a friend or not, but he could only hope he words brought some kind of comfort to him.

   "I don't blame you by the way. For your way of thinking, for why you hate it here. I care though, and even with still have a place in my home, and your room will be waiting for you. I just though maybe that could bring you a little comfort."

Not saying anything else Nate closed the door and made his way back upstairs. He was sure Reese was going to want to talk to him and he had no idea how that was going to go. Making his way he made a silent prayer that Reese would at least be open and listen to him. He asked for the right words to defend Garret. It was all he could do.