December 15, 2016


Catching his wife's eye Nate gives a shrug and shakes his head. Without her saying anything he new what she was thinking. As far as he new nothing major was happening. He'd seen Garret talking with Scott but the conversation didn't seem heated.

Looking at Nate Maggie caught his eye before looking down at her plate and than into the kitchen. She could feel something was wrong but didn't know what it was. It was just something was off. Seeing Nate gave her a nod Maggie got up taking her plat into the kitchen. Standing next to Garret she took the other sponge and started to clean her dishes.

   "When we are done doing the dishes can you show me how to dance more? The dance is this weekend, and I want to make sure I do ok with you there."

Just listing to Eric as he talked Ashlee couldn't help the look of disappointment and heartbreak that passed across her face when Eric told her to clean the stalls. She never minded cleaning them, but she always fed the horses in the morning. That was one of her daily jobs and she loved getting to greet each one. 


Not saying anything else Ashlee turned and headed to the wall grabbing a pitchfork and shovel. There was no point in arguing other than to cause more drama that might just land her into even more trouble. Maybe the day would go quickly, but something told her she doubted really that it would.