December 25, 2016


Aaron couldn't even imagine what it must have been like for Sam to grow up with all those brothers. On one hand it sounded appealing. In the other....her brief story proved it wasn't always sunshine. 

Her question made him sigh and shake his head. "What for? How far could I really get? Best case scenario I could get about a block away before someone would catch me. And that's pushing it."

His eyes lowered to the table once again. "If I can't go anywhere anyway, why not just leave me out of cuffs? Be a whole lot less hassle for you or Rick and I could quit having sore wrists."

Garret smiled just a little and shook his head. "Now why you've all adopted me I've no idea."

He sighed and finally stood up. "I better get some shut-eye. I'll see you in the morning."

A few minutes later, Laura came back downstairs and rejoined Nate on the couch. Snuggling in close, she rested her head on his shoulder. "So? Everything okay with him?"