December 23, 2016

Not So Bad

Looking back up at Sam quickly, Aaron's eyes grew just a little hopeful. Was she serious? "I'm not supposed to put any weight on my leg yet," he admitted. Seeing the crutches though, he grinned a little. "I won't tell Rick if you won't." 

Once on his feet with the crutches, he gave Sam a little nod. He knew he was pushing his limits today. "I won't try anything," he promised quietly. Not today. He didn't have the energy. At least he felt a little better after getting cleaned up though. 

Following Sam along the normal route, he made his way carefully, making sure he didn't put any weight on his leg. It hurt even just to hold it mid-air. But it felt too good moving around to complain. Now if he could get into some decent clothes instead of the hospital garb Rick had him in - that would be an even greater improvement. He knew it was easier when Rick had to work on him, but getting back into his own jeans would be nice. 

He remained quiet as they walked, taking his time, not only for his leg, but because he didn't want it to end yet. But time had never been on his side before - why would it be now? 

Getting back to the infirmary, he paused in the doorway and looked at Sam just a bit wearily. He'd already thanked her for the haircut...but in spite of all his negative feelings about this place... today... he was genuinely grateful. "I, um... appreciate all you've done today." Lunch, haircut, added up in his mind. "Maybe, um... maybe you're not so bad after all." He grinned and turned to go inside, hobbling over to the bed where he sat. "Better not tell Hal," he warned. "He'll just tell you you're being too soft." He cocked his head. "I tend to agree won't hear me complain."

" don't need to thank me." Eli smiled and took another bite of rice before taking a drink of pop. "Just keep moving forward." He reached over to give her hand a gentle squeeze. "It'll get better... Just give it time." There had been improvement so far. There would be more. There had to be. 

Hunter flopped down on his couch, only half watching the movie on television. His mind was still busy thinking about Eli's visit earlier in the day. He hadn't thought much of his offer to have Ryan be his copilot in the recent race... funny how that small thing had now led to all this. Mick had told him that everything - no matter how small - had potential to become something greater. Hunter believed he'd been right. 

Rolling over on his back, he put one arm up under his head. His mind wandered to Katie...again. It wasn't like they'd been all that serious. And in all honesty, he wasn't sure how deep or shallow his feelings for her had run. All he really knew was that he missed her company. Now that she was back with Jason, hanging out with her was kinda out of the question...not to mention, it would be kinda hard to be around her casually for a while. 

He sighed and looked back at the television as his mind bounced back to the present issue. Texas. Would Ryan really contact him? He wondered. It would be a little odd if she tagged along, but he really didn't mind if she didn't. 

Justin nodded slowly and curled his hands around the warm coffee cup. He did still love his work. He did still love helping people. It wore him out and spent all his soul's energy but...he had known for years this is what God had wired him for. It was the Agency that had knocked his confidence off kilter. 

"Do you really think the Agency never lets their prey go?" His mind tried to work it out. "I mean...if I don't keep doing work for the think I'm still on their list anyway?"