December 29, 2016


Hal just grinned and shook his head as Sam left. Maybe she was right. Maybe normal really would be boring. He hardly even remembered what it was like when he would have said he had a normal life.

Getting his mind back on track, he tried to focus on work again. Maybe if he got busy, the day wouldn't seem so long...

Justin sighed and nodded a little as Hope spoke. Scott had been through so much and had overcome the impossible. To see him backslide multiple times was hard. This time was different too. The fact that he'd actually acted out was good in a sense - he was finally expressing how he was feeling. Unfortunately he'd made all the wrong choices to do so.

"Looks like we got our work cut out for us," he mused, taking a sip of coffee. "You know I won't be easy on him," he warned. "I helped him fight Agency data before, and this time he's fighting himself. I'm not gonna let him wallow... but if he comes to you to cry on your shoulder, let him. I'd rather you be the good guy in all this."

He fell quiet for a few minutes before looking over to her again. "Thank you, by the way. You, um... Helped me think through a few of my own things and... if you hadn't, I might not have come now."

The door wasn't locked. JT stiffened, his hand on the doorknob. He'd been warned this might come with its own set of perils. 

Dressed casually in jeans, tennis shoes and a long sleeved t-shirt, he still outside the bedroom beside the infirmary at the Elite. It was early enough yet that there weren't many agents around, and that was okay by him. This wasn't totally new territory, but he wasn't used to being here for an actual Elite task. 

Carefully opening the door, he peered inside to see his new patient lying in bed reading a magazine. "Well now... they didn't tell me you liked to read."

Aaron let the magazine flop down and gave him a dim look. "And you are?"

"Your new nightmare." JT came closer. "Strip."

Aaron blinked. "Excuse me?"

JT grabbed a pair of sweat pants and tossed them to him. "I can't check your knee when you've got jeans on. Come on. I haven't got all day."

Aaron sat up, but was still confused. "Where's Rick?"

"Day off."

"You're a doctor?"

"No, I'm a zookeeper. They said they had a gorilla with a bum leg."

Aaron rolled his eyes in annoyance, but obeyed and changed pants. "Rick always had me in the infirmary for therapy."

"Oh good. We get to learn a new trick then. It's called 'stay put.'" JT grabbed a chair and brought it closer to sit down near the bed. "Can you lift your foot into my lap?"

Aaron crossed his arms stubbornly. "Maybe." Getting no reaction, he sighed and slowly, painfully lifted his foot high enough for JT to take and rest it across his own leg. "Time for a foot massage?" he complained.

JT quirked an eyebrow. "Don't forget...all I gotta do is twist." He turned Aaron's ankle just enough to put pressure in the knee. 

Aaron winced and sucked in his breath as he almost yanked his leg away. "What in the-"

"Don't worry," JT assured. "The tingling in your toes will subside in a few seconds. Now...where were we?" Truth be told, he was downright scared of this guy. He'd been given the low-down by Reese after Rick had asked him to come and take over this task, and knew he was no match for any Agency thug. At least for the moment, Aaron was at a severe disadvantage, but that's all the defense JT had. That, and his mask of confidence. He knew Aaron's handler would be here soon too, at which time he'd have a lot of explaining to do."

Kirk laughed, and finally stopped dancing, but still held on to Adison. "Well they definitely have something to be jealous of."

He leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips, letting it linger. Tightening his arms around her, he deepend his affection and shifted around until Adison's back was against the wall. Pinning her lightly, he withdrew just far enough to grin. "Can we just call it a day and keep this place a secret? I'm rather enjoying this."