December 20, 2016

Ten Years

Hearing Nate was going to leave, Garret let out a small sigh of relief. At least no one else would suffer because of him. He was honored Nate wanted to stand by him like this, but it really would do little good.

Getting up off the cot with Nate, Laura turned to give Garret an apologetic look. "It'll be okay," she tried to assure.

Garret tossed her a wry sort of grin. "Sure it will. Just get him out of here, 'eh? He's done all he can do." He leaned his head back against the hard wall and closed his eyes.

Laura nodded and finally left, closing the door behind her and catching up with Nate. Stopping when he did, she looked up at him and slipped her arm around his waist, leaning her face into his hand. It was rough, but warm and gentle. She'd never tire of it. 

"A vacation sounds like...a really good idea." She smiled, and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, then reached up with a thumb to wipe away where the tear had been. "You haven't failed, you know," she mentioned softly. "You have done wonders with that man - more than anyone could ever ask. No matter what've been a success...and I'm so proud of you." She leaned in close as they started forward again. "You deserve time away far more than I do. If Reese won't let you...I'll come talk to him. And cry. He won't be able to say no to my weepy face." 

She giggled a little and gave him a squeeze. "Let's just go home now though, okay? I know it's a little early but... I think we could use a relaxing evening and... Garret will be alright. He's a survivor." She paused just briefly in thought. "Trust Reese, too. He's never let us down before...he won't now. He'll do what's right. I believe that."

Hal quirked an eyebrow at Sam's food order. "Huh. I woulda guessed you to be a barbecue kind of girl." He grinned and threw her a wink. "Hold down the fort. I'll be back." 

As promised, he did return, not much later. McDonald's wasn't far, making it a quick trip. Coming back into the control room, he whistled his entrance and held up the paper bag. The smell of french fries wafted through the air. "Greasy food has arrived." 

Flopping down in his desk chair, he opened the bag and divvied out the food, giving Sam exactly what she'd ordered. He'd gotten himself a chicken sandwich and fries and, as usual, a coke. He had a quick, silent prayer before taking a bite of his sandwich and sighing in content. "Ya know..." He paused to chew and swallow. "Sometimes...a soul just needs fast food. I'm sure I've shortened my life by at least ten years, but hey." He took another bite before gesturing to the bag. "There's an extra cheeseburger in there... Thought you might like another little peace offering for your friend. He's been behaving himself pretty good the last twenty-four hours."

Kyle was so focused on the song he was trying to write, that he didn't even hear Alice come into the room. As she came up to join him on the bench, he gave a little jump, but recovered quickly to smile and slip his arm around her. "Hey, you." He kissed the top of her head. He'd offered to go with her earlier, but, as usual, she had let him stay home and work. There had been no arguing with her, even though he'd been concerned. He didn't like seeing her feeling so unwell lately, and hoped nothing was wrong.

He was relieved to hear everything was okay, though it was her "but" that worried him. Hearing what she had to say, his eyes widened. And for a moment, he just stared at her. "Two? What..?" Then it hit him, and he blinked.

Throwing back his head, all he could do was laugh. Turning to pull Alice into a hug, his eyes twinkled as he kissed her cheek. "Oh, I love you more every day, you know that?" He moved down to kiss her lips before pulling back and resting a palm on her cheek, still smiling. "Do you realize how much fun we're going to have?" He laughed again. "I always imagined myself sitting here at this keyboard, playing with one hand while my other arm held Junior. Now I'll need your help... or start playing with my toes, but that's gonna take more than a few months to learn."