December 28, 2016

Emotional State

"I... don't know." Jason bit his lip as his mind worked overtime. "I trust Misty, for sure, but... there's too much work for one person to keep up with. I just... I can't believe he just walked out like that. Maybe after he cools off, he'll be back." He forced a wry grin. "Even Con came back." It was true. More than one agent had left and come back, and some even multiple times. For Rick to walk out though...that was big. And worrisome. 

In the security room, Hal watched and listened to everything that was going on, just piecing it all together for himself. This wasn't good. At all. 

He gave Sam a sidelong glance, his face showing his concern. " not normal. Just so you know." He strummed his fingers on the desk. "I know Aaron's your responsibility, but just be careful if Misty's got to be the one doing his therapy. I can just see him taking advantage of the situation and trying to pull a stupid stunt with her." He gritted his teeth. "And heaven help him if he does, because I'll rip his limbs out." He huffed a sigh, not meaning to imply such violence, but Misty had been through enough, and Hal wouldn't stand for anyone trying to hurt her any more. Yes, this was Sam's job now, but he was right behind her. 

Jamison swiveled back and forth in his chair as he watched Dalton work. He hadn't been much help today. At least it didn't feel like it. He was learning - a lot - and fast - but he still didn't have his feet under himself yet around here. Then the whole thing with Scott had knocked everything even further off kilter. He was determined to make this work though... no matter what, it was Adison and Kirk who had gotten him in this mess, and if it wasn't to be, they'd have to be the ones to get him back out. 

Eyeing Dalton for a moment, he sighed. "If you want to visit Scott, I'm fine here by myself," he offered. He could tell the big man was very worried about his friend, and could understand. If it were him, he'd be the same way. "I'll find something to do. I just don't want you staying here because of me."

Having Hope come close and wrap him in a hug, Scott felt himself melt just a little. He slipped his arms around her too, wishing, just wishing that all of this - from the very beginning, had never happened. But then... a new thought struck him. If he'd never been abducted in the first place...he never would have met Hope at all. 

Looking at her eyes as she pulled back, his shoulders dropped a little more and he nodded. "I...I promise." New tears emerged, even though a little laugh surfaced as well. "It's the worse thing ever," he admitted. More tears streamed down his cheeks, and he laughed again. "It hurts so bad. I never should have been so...stupid." 

Sinking down a little again, he let his head lean over into her and just closed his eyes. His head was pounding, and he was so tired. So weak. So exhausted. He just wanted more sleep. And within seconds, he really had fallen asleep, still nestled into Hope. 

JT entered the room and was about to say something, but stopped when he realized Scott was sleeping. Approaching more quietly, he gave Hope a gentle smile. "I'm going to let him sleep a while," he mentioned softly. "But we need to see if he'll eat anything. If he won't, I'll need to give him a new IV. I think I want to keep him here overnight, but if his tests come out okay, he can go home tomorrow." He cocked his head, still thinking. "Because of his emotional state... do you want me to call Justin and see if he'd get involved again?"