December 19, 2016


Garret followed Nate obediently, not saying anything more, nor causing trouble. He’d followed orders all his life…this was no different…right?

Getting to the cell, he hesitated. He hated it here. He hated the small space. And now that he’d been away from it, he hated it even more. It took all he had to step inside, but he did. If things got too bad…he knew he could get out. He knew he was skilled enough to escape if he wanted to. He’d probably leave bodies in his wake, but it was possible. And right now, that was just about the only ray of hope he had.

He looked Nate square in the eye as he talked, searching for truth…and he found it. He didn’t want to admit he’d found a friend. He didn’t want to admit he’d found a family. Doing that just opened his heart up to a point that would make way for pain. And yet…there were parts of that he couldn’t deny.

Finally, he just nodded, and backed away from the door as it was shut. He sighed deeply, shed his jacket, and eased down to sit on the cold, hard floor.

Still sitting tight in the control room, Hal watched quietly, all that was happening. Jason came in once to explain what had happened, just so everyone was aware. Hal didn’t say anything to Sam for a while, but simply pointed to monitors every once in a while when something new would start. He did poke his head out into the hall when Rick explained what was happening with Scott, but then just returned to his chair again. 

He sighed deeply as he saw Garret left in the second cell. “And…there we have our main man back in custody.” He shook his head. “I can’t decide if he just keeps getting the short end of the stick or if he’s got ill-intent.” 

Grabbing a can of coke from the fridge, he tossed one to Sam, too. “At least Aaron seems to be behaving himself. I haven’t seen him keep his mouth shut for this long…ever.”

Reese returned to his office to sit, ponder, and come up with options on what to do next. Without a doubt, they would disassemble that blasted facility tomorrow. But the damage had already been done. Scott was in a coma…and it was obvious that Rick had no idea how bad it was. How had this happened? How had they all missed the signs? How had Garret gotten away with such a thing? And how had Reese let it happen? He couldn’t let Garret get away with this. But now what? Prison? He knew Nate would be arriving soon, and needed to make up his mind fast. 

It didn’t take long for an ambulance to arrive for Scott. Rick offered to have Hope ride with him – he’d go to the hospital to speak with JT in person, and make sure everything was taken care of before coming back. In the meantime, everyone else was advised to just wait until they had heard more. Nothing else could be done now anyway.