December 26, 2016

Treasure Trove

Garret was impressed with Sapphire's reaction. It was her brother they were discussing after all. Yet she was still going to work with him and treat him fairly. It was amazing enough that Reese would do such a thing - even more so that she would.

He nodded his thanks and accepted the extra seat. He could go on about Scott, but he wouldn't. It was time to move on. One day, he'd have the chance to thank her. "Um...well, I need to find current records on Brookshire's staff and do background checks on all of them. I may need to make some phone calls, but I think I could do most research on the computer."

He threw Sapphire a sidelong glance. "It's about Gunner. There's a chance someone from the Agency could try to take advantage of his situation. We know an operative has already been there at least once to kill that young woman. I think probably someone was there while Scott was, too. I want to figure out who the daily staff is now and hand pick several to be the only ones who work with Gunner or are alone with him. I'll be able to spot if someone is Agency. It won't guarantee his safety but it will at least minimize risk. And... Gunner probably shouldn't know any of it."

Garret didn't need to explain all that to Sapphire, but he liked her. She was sharp, quick-witted and trusted him more than he deserved. He'd need an ally as he researched assignments like this, and she was it.

Aaron only glanced up for a moment as Sam came and sat down. He wasn't surprised after seeing her exit with Rick. Nor was he surprised at what she had to say. "My options are just astounding," he commented sarcastically. His eyes remained on the legos as he snapped a gear into place. 

He finally stopped to look at her though, and he shrugged. "I don't like any of it, and you're in charge, so I guess it's whatever you want. I could promise to be a good little boy and stop breaking out of my cuffs, but that would be no fun. So I guess if I get a room all to myself, that's probably the best choice."

His eyes glance down at the legos and magazines. "Do I...get to take my treasure trove with me?"

"Oh come on!" Travis threw his hands up in the air as Lane tried to hand him a shovel. "Three days with nothing other than my butt in the saddle, and today I get to shovel manure? Seriously?!" 

Lane only smirked. "Still wanna go to town alone?" 

Travis glared at him. "Yes." 

"Ah. Manure it is, then." Lane pushed the shovel towards him again. "Off you go." 

Travis held his glare as he snatched the shovel from his hand and stalked down the barn aisle. The last three days had been insane. He was exhausted, sore, and no less angry. Well. Maybe a little less angry. He was starting to get too tired to be mad. He wasn't even sure about Ashlee... he'd only seen her from a distance and dared to get a wave or two in and that was it. At meals he was still forced to sit with his dad like a little kid, and the embarrassment wasn't lessening. He reached the stall to work on, and tug into the manure with a frustrated grunt. 

"Easy, Tiger." 

He whirled around with another glare, but quickly tried to recover as he realized it was Mick in the stall's doorway. "If you were me, would you take it easy?"

"When I was your age?" Mick chuckled. "Hardly. But trust me...the more you fight, the more manure you're gonna haul, and the more horses you're gonna ride."

Travis sighed and leaned on the shovel. "He's never humiliated me like this before."

"You've never done the same to him."

"I didn't..." Travis bit his tongue. He hadn't thought of it that way. Maybe he really had humiliated his dad by disobeying like he had. His eyes lowered. "How's Ashlee?" 

"Oh..." Mick grinned a little. "'Bout as mad as you are, but she's fine. Stacy's not a tyrant and neither is Eric. Rumor has it the lowered boom will ease off soon. Just be patient." 

Travis kept his eyes on the ground. "You...were willing to let me stay here if I worked... did I put that in jeopardy too?"

"You did." Mick nodded. "You risked a lot of safety by pulling the stunt you did. But one thing we're good at around here is grace. Just don't take it for granted." 

Travis just nodded and turned around to start shoveling.

"Don't beat yourself up any more either," Mick warned a little more softly. "When you're done with this stall... I hear Becky's making some chocolate chip cookies. Make sure you don't miss any. They go fast." 

Travis looked over his shoulder, but Mick was already gone. He smiled just a little, then kept working. Why Dylan didn't get along with his own dad, he had no idea.

Walking from the barn to the main office, Mick felt his phone buzz, and fished it from his back pocket. He smiled a little, seeing Hunter's message. 
Might come next week.
Might bring company.
That okay? 

Stepping up on the porch, he leaned on the railing to reply.
Sure thing.
Company? Girl?

Shut up.

Mick laughed out loud. 
We got room for 2. 
Come any time for as
long as you want.

Back in Nevada, Hunter smiled and replied before turning his focus back to fixing himself some lunch. He was still waiting to hear for sure if Ryan was coming with him, a way, he hoped she would. He wouldn't have the long ride just by himself, but that was okay. If he could help her, it was worth it.