December 26, 2016

I think

Just searching Garret's eyes for a long moment he might be a master at fooling people but there was something about the look, about the slight sadness that told her he wasn't trying to fool anyone. As hard as it was for her to think of her brother doing something like that at the same time the way Scott had been acting lately it really didn't surprise her either. 

   "It's not like him to do that, but unfortunately as hard as it is to admit it not much about him over the last several month had been like his old self. I think some people just find it hard to see and admit that."

Moving her chair over Sapphire nodded to the other chair for Garret to pull it up next to her. She wasn't made at him so why should it keep them from working together. If anyone was being blackmailed they probable would of done the same thing honestly. It was human nature to protect ones self. 

   "I'm sorry he forced you to do that. It must have been hard knowing you might lose everything you worked hard to get here."

Shifting a little and clearing her throat she tried to make some room for Garret so he could work too. She had a lot of crap all over the place she really didnt need. Maybe this was a good reason to house clean. 

   'Ok, so what do you need help with?"

No really it didn't sound was rather irritating and made everything a million times harder. Someone had to pretty much take Aaron to the bathroom now, so how was that different than him being in the room.

Shifting Sam let out a long sigh and shook her head. She had no idea how this was going to help, work or even back fire and it bothered her. She had to meet him half way though at least. 

   "You are making this really hard you know...but I think I can make it work some how."

Turning Sam stopped before turning back to Rick and looking at him again. She didn't understand him, she didn't understand this place. In a way it was far different than she had expected and it was hard.  

   "Also I would very much like it next time you have a problem with me, you came to me and said something. Respect is a two way street and I'd rather you be upfront and honest with me than go to someone else to talk about me."

Not saying anything more Sam left letting out a small sigh. It was hard not knowing people and how they would take things but she sure did hope she did ok, and Rick didn't take it wrong. This is the only way she had even seen him...grumpy...but from what others said it was very unlike him.

Getting to Aaron's bed and sitting down on the edge she looked at him for a second as he worked before finally talking.

   "So...Rick over there dosent like you being out of cuffs, and him putting you in and you breaking out is kinda gonna get old fast. If I promise you a more comfortable bed than this, the freedom to walk about in the room...dont worry its not the cell again and better meals than TV dinners will you at least be restrained when Rick is working with you?"

She didn't know if talking to Aaron and asking him about this would be a good thing or not but it was worth it to ask anyways.

   "If not than you are going to have to stay here in cuffs, and the breaking in and out thing will just get you tossed in the cell again."

Hearing Justin wanted to do something tonight brought a smile to Beth's face. She missed just sitting on the couch and cuddling with him at night eating popcorn and watching a movie. It was simple but she liked doing it.

   "I think a movie and some cuddling is a great idea."