December 22, 2016

Former Boyfriend

Eli laughed and nodded. "Yeah, he does seem to be the pizza and beer type, doesn't he?"

Leaning back, he set his feet up on the coffee table and grabbed the tv remote. "It's too early for bed," he mused. "Let's see if there's anything good on tonight..."

It wouldn't be until later that he'd receive a reply to his earlier text message. 
Checks out clean for the last few months.
Not great before that. 
Why, wassup? 

His reply would be brief. 
Personal issue. 
I'll stop in tomorrow. 

A new text would be sent to Justin this time, asking his opinion about the idea of Ryan going to Texas. Was it a good idea? Too much? Beneficial? 

The answer came quickly, which Eli appreciated. 
Might be good. 
Distraction might help. 
Surrounding with good people
can always be beneficial.
If she's willing, go for it.
Happy she's considering it.

Falling asleep wasn't all that easy. He just wanted his sister to feel better. Even if she was never the Ryan he used to know, he just wanted her to be happy...

...The next morning, Eli called in to work that he'd be in a little late. Tal would cover for him - at least he had that to rely on. Parking his bike in the Elite parking lot, he took off his helmet and glanced around. He'd been here more often than most people knew, but his face still wasn't all that familiar. Normally he was here when most others were gone and it was just him and a couple other people meeting face-to-face. Today though, he had someone in particular he wanted to talk to. 

Wandering inside, he scanned the main floor and caught few faces that looked up at him. 

At Katie's cubicle, Jason leaned on the wall to hand her some paperwork. "So that wraps that up," he mused. "One case down... and I'm getting bored." He scrunched his nose. "Leg's fine, shoulder's better... one of these days, Reese is gonna hafta quit trying to wrap me in bubble wrap and..." His voice trailed off as his eye caught someone entering the main floor. One of his eyebrows quirked. Who was this guy, decked out in a leather motorcycle jacket and chaps? He thought he recognized his face though.

Eli walked with confidence, coming straight over to Katie's cubicle. He nodded to her and Jason both. "Hi. If I'm interrupting, I can wait."

Jason was just a bit leery. "Do I-"

Eli cut him off, extending his hand. "Eli McKade. We've met unofficially a time or two." 

"Oh yeah." Recognition finally flashed in Jason's eyes. He knew who this was, through Alec. "You're Ryan's brother."

"Right." Eli smiled, then looked to Katie. "Sorry to come unannounced. If you've got a few minutes though, I'd actually like to talk to you about something." 

The look he gave Jason, told Jason that it was a private meeting, and he backed off. Though his curiosity was killing him, Katie could handle herself. "I'll be in my office," he told her before turning to leave. 

Eli waited until he was gone before slipping just inside the cubicle to sit down. "I apologize again. I'm just wanted to know about Hunter Maxwell. I know you two were close and... bottom line is, I'm curious as to how trustworthy he is. Not only from an Elite standpoint but...from a personal standpoint as well." He knew it sounded bizarre, and maybe too personal - Katie probably didn't even know he was a source for the Elite and more than likely would be rather confused as to why he was asking her this. But he wasn't about to let Ryan ride alone in a car with a guy all the way to Texas until he knew from a trusted source that he was okay. 

He decided to add more information. "The way word gets around, you probably know about my sister, and what's happened with her after Alec's passing. Really, I just want to know if Hunter's a safe guy for her to be around, and alone with. Call me overprotective but...with the way Ryan's been, this big brother doesn't want to take any chances."

He cocked his head, studying Katie's face. "Truth is, she's thinking about going to your family's ranch in Texas, and by chance, Hunter may be her ride. But I don't even want to head down that path if I'm not a hundred percent sure he'll do right by her. I thought you'd be the best person to ask." An ex would always be honest about their former boyfriend's shortcomings.

Garret's eyes fell again and he took another bite of food. Pictures...would be nice. This whole thing...all of just felt all wrong. Who was he anymore? Six months ago, he was in China, breaking a man's neck because he was going to expose one of Medridge's plans to an enemy. He'd then slit a guard's throat and shot two more, point blank. And walking away, the blood on his boots hadn't even fazed him.

And here he sat today, sharing lunch with a man whom he was very close to calling a friend, wanting to have photos taken of a young woman who broke his heart when she cried, just so he could have that memory of her at a school dance, of all things.

Was he the same man? A different one? Had he changed? Was this a part of who he really was to begin with? Had he been brainwashed? Was this permanent? It felt weak. Unnatural. He'd lost sight of who he was...and now he still didn't know.

"Tell Laura thank you for lunch," he mentioned quietly. "That was nice of her to give you enough to share."

Aaron had no problem accepting the rest of the french fries. They were nice and salty today, too. An added bonus. He nibbled on one and sighed, but nodded. One arm free for a while was better than nothing. "Okay."  

He quietly worked on the fries before studying Sam's face again. "You know...if I could just get out of here without taking anybody down, I would. All I want is my freedom. Is there any way I can be released?" He hated to admit it, but he was to the point of bargaining now. It had been weeks since he'd even been outdoors. Maybe it was worth a bargain if it got him out of here and back to the Agency. He could worry about revenge on Garret and Victoria later.

"I've got some pretty good intel I can bargain with... Any chance my cooperation would be worth it to the Elite?"

"Knock, knock." Justin entered the light hospital room, giving Hope a small smile and nod as his greeting. He'd gotten word about Scott. And he wished he could do more. He wished he would have been able to do more. If he'd been around, would this have happened? If he hadn't abandoned Garret, would this still have come about? If he'd been around to keep an eye on Scott, would he be lying in a coma now?

Easing down in another chair near Hope, he sighed. "Heard what happened..." Scott had been lying in bed for two days now. And Justin really wasn't even a hundred percent sure why he'd come, especially since telling Reese he was through. But...something had brought him here in spite of his desire to separate himself completely from the Elite.

He glanced over to Hope. "Is there anything I can do for you?"