December 25, 2016

Help Me

Nate was thankful for Laura's love and reassurance always. She always supported him, and even if she had her own idea of things she had a way of putting her two cents in without making him feel bad. He loved every inch of her. Taking Laura's hand Nate followed her up to bed. Tonight was a not so bad night even with all the emotions.

Giving a yawn and making her way into work Sam stopped at the kitchen first putting her lunch away so it wouldn't spoil. Leaving Sam made her way to the infirmary before stopping.  Seeing Garret in one of the cubicles she was a bit surprised. 

Walking over to him she just watched for a second as he worked. Wondering what had happened that he was out of his cell and at the same time searching to see what was different about him since Nate had taken him in. Would she be able to do that with Aaron? Realizing she maybe was staring a little to long she gave a smile before giving a small wave to Garret.

   "Hey Garret, I wondered if I could talk to you."

Entering the cubicle and sitting down in the chair she scooted in a little as if maybe someone might over hear her. From what Aaron had told her Garret was the closest person to him so might know what she needed to tell him.

   "So I found out today is Aaron's birthday and I'd like to do something nice. Get him a little cake and a gift, but I have no idea what he like other than tacos or anything maybe he'd want. So from what I know you were pretty close to him. So I wondered if you could help me out."