December 26, 2016


Garret had been so baffled by Reese's change in attitude that it hadn't even dawned on him just who he'd come to for help. Just who Reese had suggested. Of all the people here, it was Scott's sister. How could he have been so stupid? He really was slipping, and it bothered him to no end. He'd never felt this mentally dull in all his years in the Agency. 

He didn't let any of that show on his face though as Sapphire's question was asked of him. Instead, he looked her square in the eye. He knew it wasn't the answer she wanted to hear, but it was the truth. "Yes." He straightened a little. "From what I understand, that's not something that would be expected of his personality, but it's the truth. I wanted him to go through the upgrade, but I never would have forced him into it." 

Only now did he rethink his strategy for this day and his current assignment. "If you're not comfortable working with me, I understand. I'll go ask someone else." 

Watching Sam leave, Hal sighed and righted himself to get back to work. He felt badly for her - it was hard for anyone to change jobs and come into a new environment. And he was sure this was very different from what she was used to. There were far fewer protocols here. Far fewer solid lines between jobs. And a lot more acting out of heart than head. He was confident she would make it though. If she kept that determination he saw....she would make it.

Hearing the infirmary door, Aaron glanced up for just a moment before returning his gaze to the legos. Just to have his mind and hands occupied was like a breath of fresh air. In spite of his distraction though, he was well aware of Sam's entrance and the quiet conversation with Rick. He could feel the tension in the air. He knew Rick didn't like him. He knew Hal wasn't interfering. No one had to tell him - he had nothing to do in this bed but to patiently observe, and that's what he was good at. Even as his fingers nimbly put the intricate lego pieces together, his senses were on high alert.

Rick looked up at Sam and released a sigh. He listened though, and considered the options as he glanced over at Aaron who seemed quite content in his own little world. Finally standing up, Rick nodded to the hallway. "Come with me." He'd rather be out of Aaron's earshot. 

Once out in the hall, he folded his arms and leaned back against the wall. "The problem is his knee," he stated flatly. "When I had to deal with Carson or Alec... they had their scrapes, and Carson tried to take his life once, but there was no real extended stay in the infirmary. Which meant they could be restrained as necessary, then released to their cells. Aaron's situation is different. He's already messed up his injury more than necessary, making my job even harder. I've sworn to heal the sick and injured, and I'm surrounded by people who like to make that impossible." 

His tone remained calm, but he was obviously frustrated, and he held an edge that wasn't normally like him. He'd reached his limit and was being pushed further. He looked at Sam with a tired gaze, laced with irritation not aimed at her, but at the situation. "Aaron is a killer. I can't work and try to focus when I have to constantly watch my back to make sure he's not getting out of bed and trying to strangle me, stab me or use me as a human shield like he did with Susanne. I understand the need for mutual trust as you try to reform him - believe me. You're not the first in my presence to attempt or even achieve miracles. That said - as long as I'm in the infirmary, either you're there too, or he's to be restrained. That applies for his therapy sessions, unless you'd rather him skip those and let his knee end up even worse than it already will. So far, I've worked with him in the mornings before you've arrived - this morning he slipped his cuffs twice. I can't work with that, and won't."

Heaving a sigh, he shook his head. "I'd rather you not set up in the infirmary. So if you want to use that bedroom next door, do it. Just make sure you or someone else is available for bathroom visits and when I need to work with him. Fair?"

Justin nodded slowly. "I'll never leave for good. I'm sorry I left at all." His thumb caressed her hand. "I'll get through it... I promise. It's just... taking me time." 

He finally withdrew to sit back and work on his salad again. "You wanna...go back to your place after dinner? Maybe watch a movie or something?" It was the first time he'd suggested that since the Agency incident.