December 24, 2016

Many People

Getting the text back from Hunter Ryan did something between a grunt and a laugh. Seeing him stumbling was a little funny and Ryan felt bad too. She was making this awkward for both of them. She didn't mean too. Just with her moods and stuff it was hard to tell how sixteen hours would be.

Not creepy at all, ok maybe a little but
nothing to bad. Not like I make it exactly
easy. Thanks for working with me 

Thinking for a second Ryan hoped work would give her the time off and such short notice. She'd have to ask first thing tomorrow. 

I just have to check with work tomorrow 
but Wednesday sounds good. How long 
should I tell them I will be gone?

Maggie couldn't help but let his cheeks get even more red at Garret's comment. He was really here, and her wish had come true. She had the most handsome date here. No one could pick on her now. In a way Maggie felt a little proud to see some of the other girls just staring at them. She a princess thanks to Garret. 

Hearing Garret Nate gave a nod. He didn't know what was going on, or how Garret was here but he had to trust him. He had all along, he wasn't going to stop now. Not to mention he was making his sister smile bigger than he'd even seen before and that meant a great deal to Nate.

Smiling again and turning Nate headed out of the dance. He was feeling a little better than he had before and now he could have a little time with Laura tonight while Maggie was here with Garret.

   "I know I didn't have too, but you clean up so nice, I guess I wanted your clothing to match."

Smiling and sitting down Sam pulled out her breakfast and her eyes grew just a little bigger as she took a bite. Just chewing and enjoying the taste Sam finally opened her eyes looking at Aaron again.

    "Figured too if you were feeling human this will at least help a little more with that. I'd know about prisoner though. I don't know many people that get this good treatment."

Sipping her coffee she just let the silence linger for a moment before grinning at Aaron.

   "I mean, your getting good food, a pretty woman to talk to, personal hair cut, and nice freshly washed clothing."

Having Reese come back into the house Angelica was in the same spot he left her. Giving him a little smile She just let him lay his head in her lap. Running her fingers through is hair and hearing what he said she couldn't help but be a little suprised.

   "You're not an idiot, you are an amazing man, with an amazing heart, and maybe just maybe tomorrow Kirk will understand?"

Just drawing silent again for a second Angelica thought for a moment before looking down at Reese again.

   "What made you decied to let him go?"