December 14, 2016


Garret kept his eyes on his soup for a moment before glancing back up at Nate. "I might do a few things." Depending on how things went with Scott...and that was totally up to chance."

He focused on his food again. "This soup is very good, Laura."

In spite of recognizing that Garret was dodging conversation with Nate, Laura smiled. "Thank you. It's my aunt's recipe. She's really a much more amazing cook than I am." She threw Nate a look. Had something happened today at the office that he hadn't mentioned? 

Garret finished up his soup and bread and wiped his mouth with his napkin. Without saying anything, he stood and took his own dishes to the sink to rinse them.

"You don't have to do that," Laura chided.

"I know." Garret grabbed the soap and dishcloth. These people were sharing their entire lives with him...the least he could do was start lending a hand. Not to mention, it was the perfect way to avoid any more conversation at the table. He was on his way to ruining everything because of Scott, and really would rather not think about it.

Scott couldn't remember a time there had been this kind of tension between himself and Dalton. And it didn't feel good. The ride home was so quiet, but he simply leaned his head on the window and stared at the scenery until they got to his house. 

Once there, he slipped off his shoes and went to his chair in the living room, pulling up his legs and tucking his feet in next to the cushion. Domino, after making her rounds to say hello to the giant, jumped up with Scott and curled up as she usually did. Scott leaned his head to the side and just stared into nothingness, miserable and worried about the next day. What if it didn't work? What if he really did kill him? What if he went through it and he didn't die, but it messed him up even more? What would Reese do with him? Or Garret? If he died, at least he wouldn't be tormented any more, right? He'd be out of everyone's hair for good. 

Sinking down even further, his frame was so thin, he was able to curl up in the chair and rest his head on the armrest. A tear silently ran down his face. How long he'd fought and fought and fought. Maybe tomorrow it would all be over.

Mounting up, Travis aimed the mare along the riding ring fence. His muscles were still cold and tired, and he could have slept for at least another two hours. Why did he deserve this? He didn't agree with all the overreacting around here, but the point had been made...why did his dad feel like torturing him now? 

In the barn, Eric spotted Ashlee, along with her facial expression, and he sighed. Before she could get away though, he hollered at her. "Ash. A word, please." He met her in the aisle and nodded at some of the stalls. "Instead of feeding, I'd appreciate you starting to muck out the west end stalls that have been neglected. After breakfast you can do your schoolwork, but after that you can come back here and keep working on the stalls. Me and the others will take care of feeding."