December 13, 2016

Smart Aleck

“Oh yeah…” Jamison thought for a moment. “I forgot Carson runs the restaurant now. Quite a switch from his former life.” He remembered reading about that, and how really, Carson was the start of the Elite rehabilitation program. He’d thought about eating there several times, hearing about the “Italian Australian” but had always wound up at a pizza place closer to his apartment. When he’d gone out for pizza at all, that is. Which…wasn’t often. 

“That sounds good,” he agreed. “I’ll come.” Focusing back on work, he soaked up all he could that Dalton was teaching him. There was a lot of computer jargon he didn’t understand at all, but it didn’t scare him. He knew it was going to take time to learn, and in the back of his mind, he was trying very hard to trust Kirk and Adison on all this. 

Scott was gone for quite a while, but eventually came back in the office. He remained pretty quiet, just letting Dalton take the lead. It was obvious that something very heavy was weighing on his mind, though he tried to concentrate and at least get some work accomplished today. 

After a few more hours, it was time to call it a day, and it didn’t take long for the trio to be sitting at a table at Mom and Pop’s. Having seen who it was, Carson had told the girls he’d take care of their orders himself, and wandered up to the table, giving Dalton and Scott a nod. “G’day. What can I get you guys tonight?” 

Scott glanced to Dalton and gave him a little shrug. “Order whatever you want. I’m… not real hungry tonight.” He knew his friend wouldn’t let him get away without eating something, and he was okay with that. If he were to go home by himself, he’d skip his meal for sure. But he’d try to manage at least a slice or two of pizza since he was here.  

Jamison cocked his head and just studied Carson for several long moments. He looked different than the pictures he’d seen. Thinner? More tired? Something. Maybe the whole thing with Misty had taken its toll. He had a daughter too, right? A complex story, for sure. 

Feeling the stranger’s eyes on him, Carson turned to catch his stare, and immediately went on edge. What was this guy’s problem? “I don’t think we’ve met, have we?”  

Jamison blinked. “I’m Jamison Meighleau. Latest Elite recruit.” He offered his hand.

Carson accepted the handshake just a little cautiously. “FBI?”

“Was. Til I quit.” 

Carson’s eyebrows rose. Apparently there was some kind of story there. “Well…looks like you’re hanging out with the right crowd.” His eyes shifted to Dalton. “What happened? Dani ditch you this evening?”

Aaron hadn’t been ready for that kind of response from Sam, and was almost taken aback. His fingers fiddled with the magazine pages, as quit suddenly, he felt very uncomfortable. Not angry, just…uncomfortable. Surely Sam’s words were just a ploy to get him to like her and trust her. Nobody outside the Agency believed in him, especially someone from the Elite. He wasn’t worth anything unless he was on an Agency mission. That’s the only place he’d ever been valued at all.

Lost in thought, his attention snapped up again at Sam’s final comment, and he frowned. “Just because I’m lying here in bed with only half a knee doesn’t make me weak,” he defended. “Soon as I can walk straight, I’ll…” His voice trailed off as he realized the reverse psychology being used.

Shutting his mouth, he raised the magazine again to block his face. “Smart aleck,” he muttered.

Travis could hardly believe Stacy didn’t at least yell at him, and when she actually told him where Ashlee’s window was, he was even more surprised. His eyebrows rose, and he was about to thank her, but she had already turned and left the window. Ashlee might be in trouble, but she was super lucky to have a mom like Stacy. 

Going to the next window over, it was the same routine until Ashlee appeared. He gave her a small smile, visible only from the little bit of moonlight that peeked around the night clouds. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” he explained softly. “I’m so sorry about the way things turned out. I never should have suggested we go to town. I mean… I still think it’s stupid but if I woulda known you’d get in this much trouble, I wouldn’t have done it.” 

He bit his lip. “Even if they don’t want us talking…forgive me?”