December 13, 2016


Hearing something at the window Ashlee wondered over and opened it. Seeing Travis a small smile spread on her lips. Even though she had gotten into a lot of trouble she was still happy to have spent a little time with him.

   "Eh, I'm starving at the moment since I was being stubborn about lunch, and I'm embarassed, but other than that I'm ok."

Leaning on the window cell to see Travis a little better she couldn't help how handsome he looked in the little bit of moonlight. She wondered how long they wouldn't be able to talk or hang out. It was going to such big time and she new it.

   "Don't be to sorry. I still had a nice time. How about you? Survive your dad ok? He wasn't to hard on you was he?"

As Aaron retorted to her comment Sam couldn't help the small grin that formed on her lips. She was happy to see there was still a fire in Aaron somewhere. All hope was not lost and she wanted to at least see something that said she wasn't just wasting he time.

   "Sometimes I can be."

Going back to her work Sam was silent for the rest of the time doing her work. She did need to get it done before they needed to be. At least Aaron was quite for now and she could work.

Looking at Carson Dalton gave a nod. He always thankful for when Carson would open the resonant for them and take there orders himself. There was just something about it when Carson did it that said he cared.

   "A medium cheese and pepperoni for me, and a cherry coke."

 Just letting Jamison and Carson talk to a moment Dalton just study Scott. Something was different, almost like something was wrong. It made his worry slightly and he would have to ask him about it later.

Hearing Carson ask him another question Dalton look back to him as a grin curled on his lips. He didn't mind when he razzed him. 

   "Nah not tonight. Figured going out for food with the guys. Figured it would be nice too since Jamison is going to be joining the team tomorrow."