December 8, 2016

Looking Forward

Just watching Dylan as he wanted away Ashlee couldn’t help the sour look she threw him. At least he couldn’t see it or she might have felt bad, but she couldn’t help it. Something about the remark he made didn’t sit well. She wasn’t sure why, but it just didn’t.

Looking back at Travis and giving a sigh she leaned back on her arms just a little and kicked some of the grass in front of her just trying to let Dylan’s comment go.

   “He does have a point. Which that in itself sucks big time. I guess we can always have another picnic around here if you want.”

Thinking for a second Ashlee tried to think of something nice here to do. If they were both stuck here she might as well think of something that would be different.

   “I’m sure Rosetta and Becky won’t mind if we take over the kitchen and cook something for ourselves. Other than going into town that’s really the only different thing I can think of at the moment. My mind is drawing a blank on anything else since I was really looking forward to going into town with you.”

Listing to Garret and every word he said Maggie did her best to follow. Stepping on his feet a few times frustrated her but she kept at it and kept trying her best. This was almost like a dream to her, getting to learn how to dance for the first time. It was easy to understand Garret for the most part and his way of teaching was just…simple.

   “I think I’m getting it, now if I could just stop stepping on your feet. Sorry about that.”

Continuing to try her best Maggie looked up at Garret when he told her to and couldn’t help the red color she knew came to her cheeks. She was having fun though learned and was thankful Garret was showing her. At least she would be semi prepared at the dance.

Hey Babe
No problem. I was feeling kinda
bad about leaving my cousin
high and dry tonight anyways.
Want to re-plane for tomorrow?

Hearing her brother would take her Ryan gave a nod. She’d been such a pain lately having Eli take her places she hoped he really didn’t mind and she wasn’t causing any issues. She didn’t dare ask though knowing if she did deny it anyways.

   “Sometimes cheesy movies are the best. I’ll finish it with you. Than do you want me to make dinner or get something while we are out?”