December 8, 2016


“I was looking forward to it too.” Travis smirked a little and dug his toe into the grass as he considered their options. There weren’t many. He wasn’t the type to just chase after a girl or anything. On the contrary, he’d been on a few dates in high school and had had one girl he sort of considered a girlfriend for about three weeks, and that was about it. Coming here, though, with his world turned upside down, and all of a sudden being surrounded by strangers and having no clear future…it was nice to have found someone to spend time with. He didn’t want to overdo it, but just having someone who would talk to him and hang out with him was enjoyable. The fact that Ashlee was a girl…that was just a bonus.

Glancing over at her, he sighed. “Yeah…yeah, we can like, fix our own lunch or something. Maybe after everyone else has cleared out so we’re not competing over space in the kitchen?” He forced a smile. He didn’t want to make her feel any worse than she already did. He could tell she was embarrassed, and knew the feeling. It sucked they couldn’t actually go on a casual date. Hanging around the ranch was okay, but it would have been nice.

Trying to shrug it off, he slid back off the log to kneel next to the buckets again, grabbing the scrub brush once more. “I at least should get these done,” he mused. “If you find out it’s okay to do lunch, let me know. I’m game for whatever.” In his mind though, the wheels were still turning about how they could somehow go to town.

Seeing Maggie blush just made Garret smile. “You’re doing just fine,” he assured. He kept moving to the music, guiding her, and never complaining if she stepped on him or turned the wrong way. “One, two, three, one two three,” he counted aloud so she could follow the tempo. He really didn’t know what this whole dance was going to be like, but he assumed since it was fancy dress for the kids, that it would most likely be more ballroom dancing than anything. At least he hoped so. Otherwise he was teaching poor Maggie for naught.

Moving around the living room, Garret guided her around the couch and the table with ease, proving to anyone watching that he had refined this skill somewhere along the way. Still watching from the kitchen, and now with her own cup of coffee, Laura smiled. Maggie looked so happy. There was a sort of sadness to it all, too, though. Watching Garret, no one would ever guess he was anything but a kind gentleman – but he’d learned it all just to be an act. A mask to hide ill-intent. How much was genuine today, though? How much of that kindness was real and not just a learned response to fool people into thinking he was a good guy? Laura couldn’t help but wonder.

After a while, the CD came to another waltz, and suddenly, Garret stopped moving, his eyes growing dark. He forced a smile to his lips though, as he glanced at the wall clock. “I think we should call it a night, don’t you?” He let go of Maggie and ruffled her hair again. “Good job. We’ll do it again before the dance, okay?” Letting her go and watching as she went upstairs to finish her homework, he turned back to the stereo. He reached out to hit the stop button, but his finger just hovered over it as his ears listened to the sweet melody. He recognized the waltz as one he’d heard at the last ball where he’d danced with Victoria for the last time. And all he could see right now was her in her flowing gown, her hair fixed impress those who were there for Medridge, but he’d always saved one small moment where he could make himself believe she was there just for him. A part of him knew that now he had chosen a path that would never lead him back to that scene. And a tear escaped to slowly trickle down his cheek.

Watching Garret’s sudden change in behavior, Laura glanced up to Nate with concern. Garret was just standing there, so still and quiet. What had triggered such a response in him?

Tomorrow sounds good. :)

Thanks love.


Eli tucked his phone away and threw Ryan a grin. “Let’s just get food while we’re out. I may have forgotten to get groceries today.”

Finishing up the movie with her, they had just a bit of free time before taking off, grabbing a bite, then heading to the races. Eli did his best to make light of their time, hoping his sister would follow through with her evening plans and…so far so good.

At the races, Hunter was off to the side again, away from most of the hype. There was a lot of talk going around about him and whether or not he’d be on his game again tonight or not. Some thought he was just on a downward spiral and last race had been a fluke. While others thought he’d just had some bad luck and was still top dog. And Hunter…he really didn’t care what anybody was talking about. Sitting on the hood of his car, he just watched and waited, wondering if his passenger was going to show or not.