December 10, 2016

Adorable Together

Grabbing a few things she would need for Travis’ hand Angel sat down in front of him and started to work. This was one of the worst none Agency injury’s they had, had in a long time and of course I happened to poor Travis after he had just started to heal.

   “Man this is deep in there. Next time you need to help with hay use some gloves. It will save you this kind of pain again.”

Continuing to work Angel wasn’t to surprised hearing about Ashlee and Travis. The few times she had seen them together she could see the look in their eyes and honestly she thought it was rather cute. Ashlee didn’t have many friends here, and Travis needed one as well. Seeing a little twinkle and flirting was nice to see too. Travis was a good kid and so was Ashlee.

   “It doesn’t surprise me you did, and honestly you both are adorable together.”

Scrapping part of the splinter out Angel moved to get some alcohol and rubbing it on the would she waited a few moments before going back at it again to finish the job.

Looking up for a second at Travis she could see the look of heart on his face. She knew how hard it must be specially when they weren’t use to this whole thing. She did understand where there parents were coming from though.

   “You know they just want to keep you both safe right? I know it’s hard to understand but The Agency is nothing to mess around with. Even when things seem safe, they aren’t always. They just want to make sure it is one hundred percent before letting you do that alone, which I don’t think will take to long honestly.”

Finally getting a corner of the sliver Angel pulled the rest of it out. Putting more of the alcohol on it, some cream, and then a bandage she patted his leg giving a smile.

   “If you want I could always take you both into town. Maybe your parents wouldn’t mind. I could wait outside for your guys or something so you won’t even know I am there. It’s the least I could do.”

   “Oh yeah, I remember seeing him with the red haired girl. I didn’t see her the last few times here though. Maybe it just didn’t work out.”

Keeping her eyes closed for a long few second she finally opened them and looked at Eli. Was she trying to fix him, or was it just a comment. Maybe it was both, or a way to keep her mind busy. Maybe she was trying to take Justin’s advice and let go.

   “I don’t know…I guess maybe both. He’s not so bad after getting to know him. Just thought maybe…you two could become friends or something. I don’t know it was a silly thought I guess.”

Feeling her phone buzz Ryan pulled it from her pocket seeing the text from Hunter. She did understand what he meant about the poor losers at the race track. She couldn’t help but wonder a little if that’s what it was really about. Her mind was diverted once again as  another text came though asking how she was doing.

I’m a little tired, but other than that
I’m doing ok.  Not nearly as bad
as I thought. Just still kind of leery
of the large crowds.

Sending the text she was waiting for a second before starting another text.

I really appreciate what you did. I
dont think I could of done it with
out you.