December 10, 2016

Different Choices

As Travis came up next to her Ashlee smiled. She really did enjoy riding with him. Even if it wasn’t anything fancy, or going on long trails rides right now it was still a lot of fun to just have someone else ride with her. Joking around with Travis and throwing him looks here and there was fun too.

Thinking for a long second about what Travis had just offered Ashlee wasn’t sure. Was is really safe to go into town? It would be fun, and if they could with someone why couldn’t they alone. Even if they were with her mom or Lane the Agency could still attack so really what was the difference?

   “Well if you can get us there, I don’t see the issue. We’d be together at least and not alone. That in itself limits the chance. Right?”

Ryan gave a nod as she saw Hunter’s text and then tucked her phone back in her pocket. If Eli was ok with it than Ryan didn’t see a problem asking him over maybe one day when she was feeling ok. At the moment though she was feeling exhausted.

   “I’ll more than likely have you ask him. Maybe it won’t be as strange and you won’t chicken out like I might.”

Leaning her head back and closing her eyes Ryan couldn’t help how tired she was feeling at the moment. Maybe without even realizing it a small ever so slight smile played on her lips for only a moment.

   “Thank you by the way.”

Fumbling around a little Sam finally managed to open the door to the Elite with bags in her hands. She was coming in a little later but she had texted Kirk and let him know. She had spent most of the night awake going over in her head what Reese and Hal had both said to her. She had to figure out how she fit in with the Elite, and with being Aaron’s handler. It wasn’t an easy task but she was slowing getting there.

Getting inside she took note to a few people who were watching her and she figured it was he smell of the tacos she had in the brown bag. They did smell good and her stomach had been yelling at her the whole way over. She didn’t know what kind Aaron liked but there were a few different choices in the bag.

   “Good Morning Aaron.”

Coming into the infirmary Sam gave a little wave with her free hand before setting the bag down on a try and bring it over to Aaron. Undoing his handcuffs Sam smiled flopping down in the chair next to the bed with her own bag. Saying a quick prayer she opened it before looking up at Aaron again.

   “I wasn’t sure what kind of tacos you liked so there are a few choices in there. Whatever you can’t eat I’ll just put away for later for you.”