November 30, 2016

You Mentioned

   "Well I'm not Hal and a little extra walking on your knee will be good "

Sam was glad to hear that Aaron was going to come. She night be playing hard but inside she wasn't. It was her shell because she new she had to be. If Aaron got in than mistakes could be made and she wasn't about to let that happen when she had just started.

   "For now we'll take the same rout. Along with the tacos if you're good we'll see about changing it up. Just not yet."

Walking forward with Aaron Sam let him go at his own pace. Staying on guard herself in case anything happened. She wasn't about to let her guard down.

   "So you mentioned Victoria before. I didn't see a file on her, or hear anyone tall about her. But you said she was a traitor too?"

Sam glanced at Aaron before continuing to walk.

   "How is she a traitor if she's not here? If you don't mind me asking."

Continuing forward Asleep hope she didn't offend Dylan. She hadn't meant anything but her comment only wonders how he himself was doing. Something told her though by his answer there was more but she didnt want to push it.

   "Oh yeah, Travis is nice. He seems kinda lost here but he's really nice."

Ashlee fell silent again. For some reason she felt strange talking about Travis with Dylan. Maybe it was because he didn't interact with them much. Maybe he'd like to though?

   "You should sit with us at dinner. I believe he's close to your age you guys might have something in common."

Returning Gunner's hug Bree was happy to see him. Though he still had a dark look in his eyes she still held on to hope. Maybe having him see her today would help too. She just wanted to be here as much as she could be.

   "Exploring sounds like fun."

Taking Gunners hand Bree lead the way. Passing the nurses station she let them know they would be back so at least they would t worry.

Getting outside and feeling the sun Bree was happy to be here. She hated hospitals because it reminded her of her own stay, but she'd be there for Gunner no matter how much she didnt like it. Being outside though felt nice.

   "I think over this way it's pretty quiet and from what I saw it has a lot of nice looking flowers"

New Friend

Having Sam come close and look at him so closely, Aaron shifted uncomfortably. What was her angle? Why couldn’t he figure it out as quickly as he did other people? Why was she acting like she cared instead of just doing her job? He looked away first and took the last bite of macaroni even though he didn’t like it. 

Seeing her walking away, he figured she was leaving, and it wasn’t worth his time to respond to her little speech on living and dying. He was surprised yet again though, at her offer to take him for another walk. His knee hurt like no tomorrow but…he knew she was right about one thing – and that was the more he moved, the less it would hurt in the morning. 

“Hal never takes me for walks after supper.” His eyes narrowed suspiciously. Was this a tactic or just her way of being an overachiever? No matter. He’d go. 

Tossing his napkin aside after using it, he limped slowly to the door. No Hal waiting outside? Interesting. Was she stupid, or just gutsy? He’d have to vote for the latter. Seeing the crutches where he’d left him earlier, he was quick to grab them again giving his knee relief. He slid Sam another glance, lifting one eyebrow. “Do we get to take a different route tonight or are you the structured type?” In reality, he didn’t care. He just wanted to learn her personality.

Sitting on his bed, dressed in jeans and hoodie, with a blank journal in his hand, Gunner looked up quickly as the door opened. Without any outside communication, he hadn’t known when he’d see Bree again, and it was a welcomed surprise. A smile came to his face and he set the journal aside. It was a lame idea of the doctor’s anyway.

“Hey…a morning walk sounds really nice.” Sliding off the bed, he neared and wrapped his arms around Bree in a warm hug, then gave her a kiss on the cheek. He knew he’d be allowed to walk outside in a few areas as long as Bree was with him, and that sounded a lot better than sitting in here until lunchtime.

Drawing back a little, he tried to hold his smile. His eyes were dark though, making it impossible to hide the fact that he was not anywhere near where he needed to be. “You lead,” he suggested. “We can explore.”

Dylan wasn’t surprised that Ashlee would like Eric as a dad. He’d already become a father figure to her, and as far as Dylan could see, loved Ashlee and Stacy both very much. 

Ashlee’s question didn’t bring a response right away. Dylan steered Sharpshooter down the path that led into the woods before he finally shrugged. “Funny. Eric asked the same thing. You guys know something I don’t know?” He gave her a sidelong glance, almost smiling. Almost. “I’m fine. Just…busy. Nothing new. Same old thing… day in… day out.”

Sharpshooter jumped to the side as a rabbit scurried across the path, and Dylan chided him lightly with the bit. “Most exciting thing that happens is when one of the horse’s gets loose.” He shrugged again before turning the conversation back to her once more. “Looks like you’ve made a new friend in Travis,” he comented. 

Five Right?

   "Actually I don't think you'd appreciate it, quit the opposite. I new you wouldn't and really that's no skin off my back."

Pushing off the wall and walking to one of the walls, and than to another Sam looked around the room. Aaron might not realize it but this was a lot better than any jail cell she had ever put anyone in. It was clean, at least there was good light.

Coming a little closer and squatting down to look at Aaron. In his eyes there was fear, and she could see it even if he was trying to hide it.  Standing again she shook her head. If he did a little less complaining, and a little more cooperation he'd see it wasn't so bad after all.

   "Hey, you said you were the one being babysat so I figured that means your five right? I guess I got that part wrong. But you know you are right about everyone dying sooner or later. Some just lay down and let it happen, some fight to the end and some just try to get buy. No matter the situation we are in we all get to choose how it happens."

Going back twords the door Sam stops for a second and turns again just watching Aaron. She wondered if he already had chosen how he was going to live the rest of life out. Enough anger was built if she was to guess she'd say he had.

   "So are you going to go for a walk with me now or wait till tomorrow? If you're choice, but I don't want to hear you complaining if you leg gets worse instead of better."

The night had come and gone and now the sun was peeking over the horizon. Bree was at the hospital in time for visiting hours to start. Getting her name tag she made her way to Gunner's room. Giving a knock she entered and gave a smile. She'd missed seeing him yesterday so she was happy she was able to make it today.

   "Good Morning. Care to go for an early morning walk?"

Getting Moonbeam up next to Dylan Ashlee wasn't sure if the talk was because of his past or simply he was making sure she stayed safe. Maybe it was even a little bit of both. Ashlee just let the comment go though and continued to ride.

   "Mmmm...I'm not sure. I know my mom is really happy, and they get along great. He's a good guy."

That is all Ashlee really cared about was her mom being happy. After everything they had been through, she just wanted that for her. 

   "I kind of hope so though. I wouldn't mind having him as a dad."

Just continuing to ride and keep up with Dylan Ashlee fell silent for a little bit. It had been some time since she spent any time with Dylan. It was really nice though and she was happy to have this moment with him.

   "So what about you? How have you been doing?"


Aaron kept eating, for fear if he stopped to argue, Sam would just take his food away again. "Yeah well..." He swallowed and took another bite, not even realizing how fast he was eating. "I didn't make a mistake. I came here to get a man out and he's the traitor, not me." He chewed for a moment and stabbed another piece of meat. "If I could get my hands on Victoria for just one second..." 

Still eating, he shook his head. "Besides all that though, you seem to think I'd appreciate this...reform school. As if my life was so bad before." He shot her a look. "It wasn't. I was perfectly happy until Garret screwed it all up for me. I don't need to 'learn' and 'grow' like a five year old. I did all my growing and learning long before the Agency came along. And they gave me a heck of a lot more freedom than I'm getting here." 

His next stab into the last piece of meat was rather hard, proving his aggravation. "Death comes to everyone eventually," he reasoned gruffly. "At least in death I wouldn't be locked in this stupid cell and-" Having shifted slightly, the next shot of pain caused him to lurch in his chair and he cut his sentence short. "And at least I wouldn't have to worry about walking again," he finished angrily. Or perhaps there was more fear and emotional pain than anger. 

Gunner sat in the corner of his bed, listening to the silence. His head was cocked so he could see out the window. Some lights of the facility made it a little hard but he could make out a few stars at least. The day had been...slow. And hard. Nothing had been forced on him yet, though, so that was in his favor. He knew tomorrow might be a different story though. In this current moment, he didn't really care. Ten minutes from now? Who knew? A half hour ago, he was okay with being here. Right now, he was upset he didn't have access to that bridge he'd wanted. Up and down, back and forth...he couldn't straighten out his thoughts or emotions. The nurse said they'd help him balance out, but...he had his doubts. Tonight he was just...alone. And somehow, it felt more alone than when he'd been at Northside. 

Dylan adjusted his cowboy hat before giving Ashlee sort of a crooked half-grin. "Yeah, he did. But that's okay." He let Sharpshooter head forward, and made sure Ashlee came up beside him after they'd gone through the gate to the back trail. "I'm used to it by now," he admitted. "The talks, that is. I figure I prolly deserve it anyway with my history, so it doesn't bother me." 

He steered around a hole so Sharpshooter wouldn't trip. "At least Eric cares. Think he's gonna marry your mom?" 

Better Than Death...

Just sinking into Axel's arms Jess soaked up the warmth he offered. He was everything and more, took for who she was, the good and the bad, her past and the future. It would be silly to say no. She new there would be hard times ahead but she was ready for them.

   "I don't mind taking out time at all. As long as I have you nothing else matters and time is ours."

Jess new time was short, but she was with Axel for the long hall now, and there was no need to rush. Everything was as it meant to be. She'd grown with his help, she was happy, and life was good. This was the start to a whole new chapter.

Seeing the Aaron accepted the food this time Sam was happy. He really did need to eat and even if she hadn't seemed like she cared if he was to eat or not she really did. He needed to keep his strength up if he was going to get better at all.

   "I guess you could be right but if they added more they wouldn't be cheap anymore."

Leaning against the wall as Aaron was eating she just let him talk and listened. I guess to Aaron this was a prison and he didn't know the best of being free. She new this must be confusnig to him and hard but would he even try to understand?

   "I guess you don't have to be here, but its better than death right? I mean in the Agency correct me if I am wrong, you have to do everything right and if you don't you die. There is no second chances, there is no reprimand its just over!"

Sam thinks for a second. She new a general idea of the Agency, but she didn't know everything and she just filled in the gaps as she went trying to understand and learn more.

   "Here you get to correct your mistakes, learn, grow, and seek a better life. I dont know about you but that seems a little better than death to me."

Seeing Eric Ashlee gave a wave. She was happy she new enough about riding now she could as long as someone else was with her. There was a long way for her to go still but she was getting there and she couldn't be happier. 

   "Did he give you the fatherly talk? Sorry if he did."

An Hour

Axel curled his fingers around Jess' as his smile widened. There were few people who understood him...his ways...his quirks...his quietness. But Jess did - and even when she didn't, she was patient - and he never wanted to lose that. In the midst of all the other garbage in his life, she'd stuck it out and supported him when not many would have. She put up with him like no one else, and loved him in spite of his flaws. And he couldn't deny wanting to be with her the rest of his life. He didn't say it often. And some people might never have guessed he was this serious about their relationship. But within his world that was often time was true. 

"Well... if I'm the best man in the world, I want the world to know I'm getting the best girl." He reached up to wipe away the little tear that had formed in the corner of her eye. He'd been thinking about this for a long time now, and had started to save his money...soon, he'd be able to get her a ring. 

Shifting around on the couch, he sat up in the corner and drew Jess into his lap, wrapping his arms around her again and sighing deeply with content. "I don't know what the future holds," he admitted softly. "Things are kinda...uncertain." Had he jumped the gun? He hoped not. "You don't mind... taking our time, do you?" 

Aaron had dozed off, so the opening door startled him, as did Sam's presence again. He figured she would have gone home for the day already and he would have Hal to deal with instead. Blinking the sleepiness from his eyes, he sat up on his cot and looked up at her skeptically. He was quite hungry after missing lunch. He hadn't appreciated her little maneuver. At the same time though...she could at least be more fun than Hal. 

Getting to his feet, he took a short step forward before stopping as the pain shot through his leg. Gritting his teeth, he managed the few feet to the small table where he could sit and accept the food this time, albeit grouchily. Taking a bite of the portion of macaroni, he grimaced. "All they'd have to do is add a few chopped chives... and some bacon bits," he mumbled.

He sighed and finally looked back up at Sam. "You know...the Elite...they like to think they're better than everyone else. They talk big about how bad the Agency is. Yet here I am, being treated like a dog, where in the Agency I actually got to choose my own meals, shower when I wanted to, and go outdoors whenever I pleased." He stabbed a piece of meat. Steak? He chewed on that, too. He was hungry enough at this point, he wouldn't complain any more. "So tell me... why am I supposed to be happy being here?" 

Upstairs in the control room, Hal kept a watchful eye on the feed from Aaron's cell. There was no audio, but he could tell Aaron was talking again, and he seemed docile enough. He wouldn't interfere, but he was ready if need be, and didn't look away from the screen even for a second. 

Walking on a head a little, Dylan did hear Ashlee, and figured at least maybe that meant she'd go riding with him like he'd suggested. Her comment about the tack room, though, made him roll his eyes and he just kept walking. 

Travis grinned a little sheepishly and nodded. "Okay. I'm just trying to figure out how strict the rules are around here. Where my dad's been, they're a little more hardnosed about things." He reached out and scratched Frosty's neck. "Speaking of which, looks like I'm making your partner leave you behind." He nodded to where Dylan was already at the pasture gate. "I'll catch you later." He aimed back for the barn to finish his task, then find Sparky to find out what else he should do before breakfast. 

By lunchtime, the day was progressing as normal, and early afternoon, Dylan was just mounting up on Sharpshooter outside the barn, waiting for Ashlee and Moonbeam. 

"Take the easy trail." Eric had just rounded the corner and gave Dylan a knowing look. Ashlee had come a long way in her riding, but he didn't want any mishaps if Dylan wasn't using his head. 

Dylan held Sharpshooter still as the anxious gelding pranced and chewed on his bit. "I will." 

"Good." Eric wandered closer and looked up at him, wondering about the dull look in the young man's eye. Had it always been there? "How ya doing anyway?" 

Dylan quirked an eyebrow. "Fine...why?"

"Just asking." Eric forced a smile and backed off. "How long you gonna ride?"

"Already told Stacy we'd be gone an hour."

Eric chuckled. He had it covered. "Alright. Be safe." He turned to leave, just now seeing Ashlee coming, and gave her a wink. "Have fun." 

Be Back

Sam smiled again following Hal back up and to the kitchen. She hardly new Hal but it made her feel good he said she did good. Wrapping the food up she would be back for it later. Going back to the security room Sam continued to go through some more of the videos. 

Giving a stretch and standing Sam looked at the clock. It was about time for dinner and Sam wondered if Aaron would eat now. Glancing at the cam and seeing Aaron laying in the bed she new she better bring him something to eat or he'd complain a little more in the morning.

   "Alright Hal, I'm gonna take Aaron his dinner. I'll be back."

Heading back to the kitchen it didn't take her long to rewarm the food from earlier. Heading back down she did the same as she did before. Looked in the window, opened the door and placed the food down. Giving a small smile.

   "Ready to eat now? It's not tacos but its better than nothing."

Taking Axel's hand in her own Jess gave it a kiss before running her fingers over it and locking them together. It almost felt like this whole thing was a dream, him finally asking her. Her heart beated so fast, and the smile she wondered would ever be removed from her face.

   "The ring can come in time. I don't need to write to know I am going to marry the best man in the world. I'll get it, when I get it."

November 29, 2016


Aaron started to scowl at Sam's words, and lifted his eyes to glare at her. "I was too important an agent to have killed. I woulda made it back, and by now I'd be on another mission, far from this stinking cell."

Under his words though, if one listened closely, there was doubt. Doubt that he really was important enough to spare. Doubt that his loyalty would be returned. Doubt that anyone would ever even think of rescuing him like he'd tried to rescue Garret. No one had come...and deep down... despite his confident words...he knew no one would. Sam was right.

He turned his glare to his magazine, but as Sam started to leave his eyes snapped back up. She was leaving? With his food? But... Hal never let him go without a meal, whether he liked it or not. She was just going to let him go hungry? His stomach growled, but he set his jaw stubbornly. Fine. She could have it her way. 

He dropped his gaze again, but as the door closed, he growled and threw the magaizent across the small room before he flopped down on his side. Ridiculous. That was the only word right now.

Outside, Hal spied the food in Sam's hand, and he couldn't help but laugh. He'd been tempted to do just that, more than once, but he hadn't had the patience. "You did better than okay," he assured. "He'll actually talk to you - that's a good thing. He thinks we're just a prison where he can be withdrawn and sulk all day...he has no idea we're trying to reprogram him to be a human being again." He nodded to the stairs. "Come on. You can put his food upstairs in the fridge."

Aaron remained lying down for a good long while before finally getting up to grab the magazine he'd thrown around. He couldn't let new material go to waste. Besides, Sam might take it away, just like the food if he wasn't careful. 

By the time mid-afternoon rolled around, his stomach was quite upset with him for not having eaten. 

A smile spread across Axel's face, and he looked up into Jess's eyes that still captured his soul. "Really?" It was a silly question but perhaps he hadn't thought she's respond so strongly.

His fingers toyed with her hair. "I love you too...I can't imagine life without you." He bit his lip, still not convinced she really meant it. "I don't...even have a ring yet..."

La vee

   " don't get to make your own mac and cheese here, so you eat this or nothing."

Sam takes a few steps forward and picks up the TV dinner. She had eaten enough of these in her time when going to school and trying to work. They were pretty nasty but it was definitely betting than going hungry. 

   "I guess you should think twice before you try to rescue anyone next time. I mean if you hadn't than you'd be scott free right? More than likely though you'd still have a bum knee, and possible be dead now since your boss doesn't like people failing...right?"

Just standing there for a second a smile toyed at the corner of her mouth. She new a lot more maybe than anyone realized, even if it wasn't very deep. She still got the idea and the short story on things.

   "Ah well...I guess that would be better than this. Say la vee. See you at dinner."

Turning Sam walks out of the room and shuts the door behind her locking it. Letting out a long breath she had been holding in she had almost forgotten Hal had been there waiting for her. Looking up at him she gave a half smile.

   "Gotta figure where to put this so I can warm it up for him later. Did I do ok?"

Just continuing the moment Jess let it linger for as long as Axel wanted. Being pulled down to lay on his chest she let out a content sigh listing to his words. She loved these moments very much and savored them. 

Hearing Axel's next words Jess couldn't help but shoot her head up and just look down at him. Was he asking her what she though he was asking her. She couldn't help the smile that slowly spread across her lips as small tears formed in her eyes. 

   "If you are asking me what I think you are asking me....yes! Yes Axel I will."

She loved Axel very much, she was everything to her, and she had always dreamed of his day but thought it just wasn't in her hand of cards. But now...not her heart was welling up at the feeling, at the joy she felt. How could she say anything but yes to the person who accepted her for the good and the bad. 

  "I love you Axel, with all I am." 


Oh, to just stay in this moment and not have to open his eyes to reality again. Axel tightened his grip on Jess, his hand rubbing her back as his kiss deepened. Turning his head the other way, his lips trailed across her check and down her neck, then back again. 

“Thanks for always believing in me,” he whispered between kisses. It was true…she always had. Whether he was feeling low because of his hand, or whether considering his past that still haunted him, she was always there, ready to defend and support him. 

Just letting his affection continue, he drew back once to look up into her eyes by the dim light of the television. A little smile emerged and he brushed a strand of hair out of her face. “Forever wouldn’t be long enough to be with you,” he mused softly. “But maybe life is short so we can live every second to the fullest.” His thumb caressed her cheek for a moment before pulling her down so she could just lie against his chest as he hugged her close. His words were spoken quietly against her soft hair.. “Would you want to? Live every second to the fullest…next to me?”

Aaron quirked an eyebrow at Sam. Her words were such that she was treating him like a little kid…yet…not. He couldn’t quite figure her out. It might take more than one encounter to get anywhere though. On the upside…she seemed freer with the idea of bringing him something different to eat. Another walk on the other hand…

He sighed. “I hope you don’t expect any enthusiasm for our little jaunts around the building.” He glanced at the food that would be cold in a few minutes if he didn’t eat it. “Especially if it depends on whether or not I eat my lunch. You know what they put in them, right? Sodium and cardboard. I’d rather make my own macaroni and cheese than what they serve in these things.”

Outside the room, Hal leaned back against the wall and smiled to himself. Maybe it was just because Sam was a woman. Whatever the cause though, this was more than he’d ever heard Aaron talk…other than spouting off to Garret, that is.

Aaron slouched on his cot and turned his eyes back down to the magazine again. “All this,” he muttered. “All this just because I tried to rescue a couple of traitors.”

Good Little Boy

Just soaking in Axel's love Jess returned the show of affection. Things had been pretty crazy, and Axel had been detracted she never complained about it but she sure had missed him and this now was heaven.

    "Life just wouldn't be the same without you...thanks for being part of mine."

Letting her hand slip behind his head and the other under him on the couch Jess returned for another kiss only to pull away and lean her head the other way and return once again. The movie played on but neither seemed to care.

Watching Aaron as he flipped through the book Sam just watched him. It seemed he had an interest in cars. That was good at least. Maybe she could get some more for him at least maybe it would keep him from getting himself in trouble.

   "Tacos huh? I dont think I'll need to smuggle them..."

Thinking about what Aaron said her stomach growled a little. She herself likes tacos and was always game for them. Maybe she could work something out to grab some for him sometime. Hearing about the drinks she gave a chuckle. She hardly ever drank but to think about going somewhere with him to get them was a funny thought. Would he ever get out of here she wondered? The program here had helped others, would it really help Aaron too.

   "...but if your a good little boy maybe one of these days I'll bring you some. Now eat up so we can take another walk."


To be asleep and so relaxed as to not be alerted when touched was one of the worst offenses for an Agency operative. Yet tonight, as Garret sat curled up in the chair and felt a blanket being placed over him, he didn’t even open his eyes. Instead, he curled in a little tighter as his subconscious took over, directing him to soak in the warm comfort he’d always longed for. 

Laura smiled and nodded her approval to Maggie. “You’re being a very good friend,” she complimented quietly. “And that’s exactly what he needs right now.” Would he be okay? Could someone actually even recover from what he’d been through? He’d spent over thirty years being shaped, molded, taken advantage of, abused, lied to, made into a robot, a soldier, and cheated out of everything a normal person should have. Friends. Love. Affection. Family. Anything other than hunting down lives and strategically taking people down. There were moments where Garret seemed so human. When he smiled. When he laughed. When he protected Maggie. Then there were moments where he seemed so far away, like a foreigner lost in a land he’d never fit into. Was it too much to hope that today had been a breakthrough? Was it too much to hope that after such a very short time, he was already changing? 

All those things Laura wondered as her hand slipped into Nate’s. She loved her family. But perhaps she’d never valued them as much as she did now, seeing Garret who had had none. 

Hal followed Sam downstairs, just letting her take the lead. He’d be there if she needed him, but he wasn’t going to interfere unless necessary. He knew he was throwing this on her awfully fast, but only because he thought she could handle it. He also knew she was nervous, and that supported his decision. If she hadn’t been nervous at all, that’s when he would have worried. But she was being cautious and therefore would be on guard around Aaron. Had she been cocky, Hal wouldn’t have let her near Aaron alone. So just keeping his distance, he watched and waited. 

Inside the cell, Aaron didn’t move as he heard the door open. Same old routine. Nothing new. Except…he glanced down near his leg where the magazine had landed. He hadn’t had any new reading material in over a week. Despite his desire to spring up and grab it before it was taken away again, he lay still and looked up lazily at Sam. Her comment, though, did make the corner of his mouth twitch. She had a little bit of fire under her. Nice. 

He finally sat up and couldn’t wait any longer to pick up the magazine and start thumbing through it. Cars. He liked cars. He ignored the scent of the familiar frozen dinner, hungry but uninterested. Was that a new Mustang model? 

His eyes stopped reading and slowly rose at Sam’s mention of something else to eat. What he wouldn’t give for something besides vending machine sandwiches and frozen dinners that tasted like the cardboard boxes they came in. He’d been stubborn with Hal, but Hal was a brick wall. If he could play on Sam’s sympathies, maybe he’d find the opening he was looking for. He stared into her eyes, hunting for any signs of what she was really like. Was that nervousness he sensed? Yet she was here alone. Required or by choice? He wondered.

“Tacos,” he finally stated flatly. Actually, any Mexican food would do, but he wouldn’t press his luck. “You smuggle me in some good tacos, the first thing when I get out of here and have two nickels, drinks are on me.” 

In truth, Axel felt miserable and would just as soon act like it. But Jess deserved better than that, especially as she tried to help him the best she could. He kissed her back and gave her a squeeze. “Thanks…you help keep me going, you know that?”

Just looking into her eyes for a few long moments, he finally shifted around on the couch to lie down on his back, bringing Jess in on top of him, and wrapping both arms around her. He really didn’t care about the movie anyway. Besides, he had been a bit offish lately and she deserved his attention. Sliding his good hand up, he cradled her face before combing his fingers gently through her hair, then slipping around behind her head to bring her lips down to meet his. His foot toyed with her leg as he kissed her with gentle passion…the only way he knew how to express how he felt. He didn’t give her enough of this, and he knew it.

Dont ask me

Maggie couldn't help but laugh more as Garret laugh. It was infectious and it just caused her to giggle more and more as they played. Letting the games go on Maggie was happy Garret joined in and when he was done she smiled. At least he was still stay there, watching and laughing.

As the night went on and Maggie gave a yawn hearing Laura's comment she looked at Garret and smiled. Leaning the room Maggie runs upstairs going into the linen closet. Coming back down again she had an extra blanket. Putting it over top of Garret she smiled at everyone else.

   "Now we wont have to wake him."

Nate smiled. Another step in the right direction. To have Garret fall asleep out of his room with them was a step. At least he felt comfortable enough to do that, and safe. 

Sam gave a nod and stood before grabbing an extra magazine she found. Getting everything ready for his lunch she juggled a few things but finally got it settled before heading down to where Aaron was. Looking in the window and seeing him on the bed she nodded to herself before getting the door open and stepping in.

   "Lunch time Aaron."

Setting the tray down and taking a step to the side Sam was thankful Hal was outside. She didn't saying it, or show it but she was really nervous. She'd never been someones handler before and she was leery of Aaron and all she ready.

Taking the magazine and tossing it on the bed she looked at Aaron again going back to there conversation before.

   "There is your bed time story but dont expect me to read it to you. I think your a big enough boy you can do it on you own. How ever if you tell me what you actually like to eat, I can bring that for you next time too."

Sitting with Axel Jess let out a small sigh. She felt so bad for him as she new how hard this must be. To have something taken away, given back, and than taken away again was not a good feeling in the least. 

   "I'm so sorry Axel, I know this is not easy, dont give up hope though. You never know what might happen, and not matter what I still love you."

Leaning into Axel Jess paced a soft kiss on his lips. She was happy that at least she was there for Axel to help him through this. Even if it didnt help much, he wasn't alone and thats what mattered.

November 28, 2016


Maggie's comment was so unexpected and silly that Garret couldn't stop his laugh, while trying not to spit out his mouthful of ice cream. "Only if you drop me off on your way past my finish line," he teased. "But I agree with your brother. You're definitely cheating."

He made it through two games before finally dismissing himself from the activity, but instead of going to the bedroom, he quite surprisingly decided to stay, simply moving into the nearby chair to watch. Even though he wasn't interacting as much...there was just something there that he didn't want to leave yet. Something that...helped him forget about his own family for a while.

Pulling his feet up, he tucked himself back into the chair and leaned his head to the side, just watching and listening. Every once in a while he'd laugh at Maggie's antics or smile as someone got another peg to their finish line. Soon though, his eyes grew heavy, and before he knew it, he'd drifted off. 

Laura nudged Nate's leg and nodded to Garret. He must have been so emotionally exhausted. Now though, he looked so peaceful that she'd hate to wake him up. "I think you wore him out, Maggie," she teased quietly. 

Hal leaned back in his chair and nodded. "There's a lot more than you'll find in the files. This war has been going on for two and three generations. We're about stopping crime like anyone else...but our main focus is the Agency, itself is hard to define on paper."

His watch beeped and he yawned. "Well... lunchtime. I'll walk downstairs with you, but I'll let you lead, alright?"

He gave her a smile as he stood up. "See if you can get him to tell you what he likes to eat. I've given up."

Axel put his feet up on the coffee table, keeping one arm wrapped around Jess as they sat on his couch. The movie was only halfway interesting, leaving room for small talk in between the important scenes. 

"So...that's all she really could say," he concluded quietly, letting her in on his visit with Misty about his hand. "I'm...not sure it's worth another surgery or not, but...that's where I'm at now." He hated it. Hated how it made him feel useless. Helpless. Weak. 

He sighed. "Haven't told the band yet. Not sure I want to."


Listing to Hal Sam could feel her heart breaking for someone she didn't even know, but in a way she felt like she did just from the video she saw. Some seemed he was happy laughing with others, and some he seemed upset, and not good at all. 

   "No honestly I don't fully, but that's why I want to take in as much as I can. I want to learn and understand better. I'm in it now for the long hall."

Looking back at the screen for a long moment this was all new ground for her, but she did want to lern and help all she could. Not to mention she just started working with Hal but she liked him already. He was down to earth and really nice. He also didn't mind her asking questions and she liked that. 

   "I guess everything runs a whole lot deeper than files could really tell."

Maggie couldn't help but laugh as she sent Garret's peg back to the home. She couldn't help she was good at her game but seeing Garret smile made her feel good and laugh all the more.

   " go back to home or..."

Maggie takes his peg and pushes it on top of hers. 

   "I can use you as a hat!"

Taking Laura's hand Nate smiled. He was happy to see Garret would here with them again tonight. Even if he wasn't ready to meet his family and that whole thing was a mess he was happy Garret at least had them and saw how to family was meant to work. He was being part of something he'd missed out on as a child, but at least he could see what it was like now. 

   "I personally think she is cheating again."


Garret wasn’t sure how long he’d been sitting there, but when Maggie came in, he hadn’t moved. Feeling the bed move and her shoulder leaning on his, he finally lifted his face. Sighing, he glanced over at her, knowing good and well he’d meet those eyes again…and he did. She was so hopeful. And he was so miserable. But for one of the first times, maybe he’d rather do something other than have more time to think about everything that was making him miserable. 

“Ice cream, huh?” He was still feeling just a little nauseous but…they’d figured out his weakness. “Okay…for a little while.” He stood, and let Maggie walk ahead of him into the hallway. “But only if I get an extra scoop.” 

It was only a few minutes later that Garret found himself sitting on the living room floor at the coffee table, faced with a new game that made very little sense, but he was trying to be a good sport…and at least he had his ice cream…and the extra scoop Laura had given him.

On the couch with Nate, Laura was so glad Garret had decided to join them. His eyes were a bit bloodshot, but she knew it was a good thing he’d shown up. Maybe, just maybe, they were making progress. 

Watching the others take their turns, Garret sucked on a spoonful of ice cream, just enjoying the cold treat. His eyes widened as Maggie took her turn and sent one of his pieces back home. “Seriously!” He squinted at her. “I think you’ve got this thing rigged.” 

Laura laughed and shook her head. “She’s got the best luck in the house, I will say that.” 

“Uh-huh. Sure.” Garret reached over to pop the die, and rolled his eyes as he got a low number. “Rigged, I tell you.” 

Laura’s hand found Nate’s to give it a squeeze. Garret was improving by leaps and bounds. And it made her even sadder to think about his family…those kids who would never know him as the man he was becoming. 

Sam’s little antics didn’t escape Hal, and he grinned, but didn’t say anything. He just kept working on his own computer, until she called his attention to some footage. Glancing over at the monitor, his shoulders dropped a little. “Oh. That’s…Alec Banks. He, um…he died recently.”

He’d just as soon leave it at that, but he knew he owed her a longer explanation. Not all details would have been in the files. “He was Agency. Caught. Locked up just like Aaron is now. Came around and Reese tried to integrate him back into the public. He had his ups and downs and make a lot of mistakes but…in the end…I think he was trying to make the right choices.” He paused, recalling how the office had felt that day they’d witnessed Alec getting shot. “He got involved in a case, trying to figure out who had hurt Misty – she’d been attacked, and as a result lost her baby. Alec was pretty torn up about it and was determined to find the guys who did it. One day he just…went off. Followed a lead somewhere – we don’t know where exactly. And…he got himself killed in the process.”

Hal shook his head and sighed. “He had a lot of life left ahead of him and… well, that’s what the Agency does. Rips livelihoods right out of people’s hands. Takes the good and turns it into misery. And now…Carson Banks – you’ll see him around here – Alec’s brother, Misty’s husband, is…trying hard to get to the bottom of the whole rotten mess, but nobody’s really had much to go on. No surprise, but just as frustrating as any Agency case.”

He studied Sam’s face for a moment. “Do you really know what you signed on for around here?”

Just a man

Thinking for a moment Nate new Garret had a point. Hearing the laughing down the hall coming from the living room, and the coo of a baby he new Brian was up. Sometimes he wished he had taken a different rout in life to keep the people he loved safe, but at the same time he wouldn't trade it for the world.

Staying silent for a second just thinking before looking at the picture on the computer again. John looked a lot like Garret, he new this was hard for Garret, but maybe getting to know his family would be good for him.

Watching Garret leave Nate let out a sigh and leaned forward on the desk. As Laura came in he straightened again though. He could never leave this behind. There was so much love here.

   "Just a man who has the opportunity to meet his family and is conflicted by it."

Placing a kiss on Laura's lips Nate smiled down at her. Garret was coming a long way and he new it confused him but he was proud.

   "I think I hear her foot steps now, lets see if she can get him to come."

It wasn't that much later Maggie knocked on Garret's door before entering with a smile on her face like always. Coming over and sitting down on the edge of the bed she leaned close to him so her shoulder touched his.

   "Guess what? We have chocolate ice cream and I set up a game to play. Would you like to join us?"

Sitting down and doing what Hal said Sam started looking through things. Every now and again something exciting would happen and she'd give a grunt, or a cheer she was sure maybe Hal wouldn't hear. Even if they were old tapes she found it kinda fun to watch. 

   "Hey Hal, whos this? I've seen him quite often in some videos and than I dont see him nearly as much anymore."

He'd read Alec's file so she would guess thats who it was but she wasn't sure. It was hard trying to keep everyone straight.


A smile made Jamison's eyes twinkle and he gave Lucy a nod. "It was nice to meet you, too. You get that backpack now, alright?" He tossed her a wink. "Have a good one." 

Turning to leave, he ambled back to where his own car was. His presence in this park wasn't unusual. But normally it was during early morning hours on his jogging route, so it was no surprise he hadn't run into Lucy before. She seemed nice enough, and he did wish her well. He appreciated anyone who was working hard to learn - especially in such a complex field. 

Sliding into his car, he just sat for a few more minutes, contemplating his future, asking God about it, and mulling over his sister's words. Nothing was ever easy, was it?

Hal had to admit, he was impressed with Sam's honesty. He'd expected more cockiness out of all the FBI agents...maybe his perspective had just been skewed by personal feelings.

Chuckling, he nodded and aimed for the door. "Come on then. I'll keep you busy so Kirk doesn't get a hold on you." Getting back in the control room, he gestured for Sam to take the extra chair again, and reached across in front of her to turn on the secondary computer. "We'll have to make sure you've got the access you need," he mused. Grabbing the phone, he dialed Dalton's intercom. "Hey, would you or Scott set up an account for Sam on the network? Please and thank you."  

Hanging up without waiting for a reply, he logged her in. "You can just use my account for now. Okay, here we go." He directed her through a maze of files in the system before finally getting to their destination. "So basically we've sucked at keeping our surveillance footage organized, and now with current circumstances, we need to shape up. All those files aren't named anything in particular, so you'll have to open each one and view the timestamp, then rename it according to the date and this." He pointed to a few he'd already completed. "And if you happen across something interesting, there's no harm in watching more," he hinted. Most footage wouldn't contain much more than people passing in the halls. But every once in a while there was a meeting, an interesting overview or a brawl in the hallway. If Sam wanted to get to know people here, this was a tedious way to do it, but it could prove beneficial. 

Garret's walls had been lowered just enough that Nate's words sunk in a little deeper than normal. When he'd come to Nevada in search of safety with the Elite, he'd had no idea he would need to leave the past behind, let people in, be this vulnerable or change the way he viewed almost everything. Had it really been worth it?

Realizing he'd fallen quiet, he glanced to Nate again before shaking his head. "If you were me...and they were your family..." He pointed to the smiling little girls in the picture. His very own nieces. "Would you risk getting involved? And have the Agency find out?" And that was besides the entire emotional aspect. 

He shook his head and slowly turned to leave the office. Quietly, he returned to the bedroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he bent forward to lean his elbows on his knees, and put his head in his hands. He'd had no intention of sharing any of this with, let alone ever. But somehow it had just...come out. It felt like he was becoming weak. Losing his willpower. Losing the edge that had always protected him and kept his senses sharp. At the same time though, it was almost as if the world was suddenly taking if he were seeing things he'd never even noticed before. And the whole thing was wearing him out. 

Peeking into the office, Laura cautiously joined Nate to slip an arm around his waist and glance at the computer. "So...what was that all about?" Learning all Garret had discovered, her heart hurt even more. From the pictures and information on Facebook, it looked like a lovely family. She couldn't imagine Garret not knowing his siblings or not being able to love on any nieces or nephews. It was just heartbreaking. 

"At least he opened up about it," she mused softly. "I think that's a good step forward." She leaned up to give his lips a kiss. "He only had a couple bites to eat, but he seemed to like the idea of ice cream. Wanna see if Maggie's done with her homework? Maybe she can get him to join us in the living room. He needs a distraction before he has time to sulk."

Watching Helps

   "Mmmm...knowing you would be watching helps calm my nerves a little because honestly..."

Sam and turns to look at Hal. She didn't feel like she needed to be something she wasn't with him like she did back at the office. There was just something about him that made her feel comfortable and open. 

   "...I am nervous. I think it would be good though if I went and did his lunch alone. See what I'm up against, but if you could watch this once that would be great."

Giving a smile and straightening a little Sam studied Hal for a long moment. She liked him already. He was nice, smart, and even if he was rough with Aaron there was still compassion in his eyes and she liked that. 

   "If I go to Kirk he's going to find something else dumb for me to do. I think I'd rather observe, and sort security feed with you. If you have any paper work that needs to be done I can do that too. I actually like paper work believe it or not."

   "Have to soak it up while you can. Soon it will be gone and the cold will set in. Nice still..just in a different way."

Getting to the car and unlocking it Lucy took the books from Jamison and nodded her thanks. She would of been able to make it there herself but having him help her made it ten times easier. Hearing Jamison new what she was studing jut from her books she smiled. He was smart. 

   "Thanks I'm really liking it so far. It was nice meeting you Jamison, and maybe I'll get lucky and see you in the park again."

All of a sudden she felt silly and she couldn't help the slight red that formed on her cheeks. Why she had said that she had no idea but it was to late now to take it back.

Following Garret and watching as he navigated Nate was surprised to see that Garret's brother's wife was Jamison's sister. It was a small world indeed and day after day that was proven.  Letting it sink in for a long moment Nate finally gave a small sigh.

   "You do know, one day you are going to have to stop worrying what people think right? You have a chance for a new start now, you need to stop living in the path of what you were, and allow yourself to move on."

Falling silent again Nate could see the hurt still in Garret's eyes. He new that feeling would not go away very easy and he understood that. This was all a hard thing to swallow but Garret needed to do it in his own time and not have someone rush him.

   "That being said, I dont say anything to Jamison or anyone else. That is your choice. Just know if you were to choose to ever reach out, Laura and I would stand behind you and help any way we could."

November 27, 2016

Uncle Jamie

Hal grinned and shook his head at Sam. “Totally up to you, depending on how confident you are that you can handle Aaron. I’m not throwing caution to the wind – he’s already proven to be a dangerous man and none of us should forget that. But I don’t want to assume you can’t handle it either. So I leave the judgment up to you. If you feel you don’t want to deal with him alone yet, that’s just fine. And if you wanna have a go alone, then I’ve still got the security cameras on.”

He thumbed towards the hall. “Feel free to sit in the control room and observe any time you want, too. Other than that… I suppose if you get bored between rounds with Aaron, you should see Kirk for any other orders.” He chuckled. “Unless you’re just dying to organize old surveillance footage.”

Aaron lay on his back and threw a tennis ball at the wall, catching it as it bounced back. Over and over. Boredom wasn’t even the half of it. He’d never felt so cooped up in his life. Even that time he’d had the chicken pox as a kid hadn’t been this bad. First Garret betrayed him, then he got let off the hook to go off and do who knows what, while Aaron got stuck here. The bitterness just wouldn’t leave.

His mind wandered to Sam. Tall. Athletic. Confident. Observant. Smart. Too smart. Getting around her was going to be hard. Not impossible, but not easy. At least she was nicer on the eyes than Hal was. 

Scott kept fiddling with the tab on the can, flicking it with his finger to make it click. He twitched his head a little as he tried to keep his brain on track as his subconscious continued to dwell on his past experience with the Agency. He’d survived…and that’s why they wanted him back. “What’s the point in surviving if it means living like this?” Maybe he hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but he had, and he sighed. 

“Well, I… I guess if you’re gonna be my bodyguard…” He opened his desk drawer to find the front portion empty. “We’re gonna have to get some more jerky.” 

He turned to his computer, doing his best to just shove the whole thing aside for now. He was still thinking in the back of his mind…but he was pretty sure Dalton wouldn’t like what it was, so he’d leave it be and just try to calm his racing heart. “And you can have my bed tonight,” he added. “You’re too tall for my couch.”

Following along, Jamison didn’t mind helping out, and actually it was a nice distraction from his job woes. Besides, he had nothing better to do, and it was a nice day. 

“Mm, no. Not currently. I did spend a year here on campus a while back though. One of my…many educational adventures.” Truth be known, he’d loved being a student, even if his multiple changes in focus did drive his parents crazy. He loved to study and learn, and even now, if he had time and resources, he’d go back for more.

“But today – just enjoying the weather.” He shifted the books in his arm and glanced down at the cover. She had some interesting reads, hinting at interesting classes, which he added up in his mind. “And I’m Jamison,” he concluded, giving her a friendly smile. As they reached the car, he waited until she was ready to take the books to hand them back to her. “Good luck in your bioengineering. Fascinating field of study.” 

Garret mulled over Nate’s answer for a few moments before he stood up again. It wasn’t to run this time, though. He wasn’t sure why his walls had been lowered so much today, but… for once… it didn’t feel so bad. “Come here. I’ll show you.”

He led Nate down the hall to the office and to the computer. It only took a couple seconds to pull up the Facebook page, showing John’s profile. Clicking slowly, he let Nate see where he was headed. First to more information, then to family where it showed he was married to Tiffany Schrader. Going from there to her page next, and to her information, it showed her maiden name. Meighleau. Still not saying anything, Garret clicked on her photos and brought one up that showed her, John, and their two little girls, one of which was riding on Jamison’s shoulders, laughing. The caption read, “Bella loves her uncle Jamie.”

Straightening, Garret just let it all sink in before looking at Nate. “That’s…why I asked. I knew I’d seen him somewhere, and it was here.” He shook his head and gave a little scoff. “How do you think an FBI agent would like knowing his sister’s brother-in-law was the right hand man to the head of the Agency?” How in the world had that even happened? The odds that he would cross Jamison’s path were…astronomical. He didn’t believe in fate, but this sure made him wonder.

“Don’t say anything to anyone about this,” he requested quietly. “I’d…rather just let the matter drop. Both my siblings and my parents are in New Jersey. John’s got a wife and kids. Marie has a husband and one kid. They all look happy and… I’ve found all I was looking for, so…” He shrugged, although he wasn’t able to hide the hurt that still lingered in his eyes. The hurt and longing for something he could never have. “I’d appreciate it if nothing was said to Jamison.”

Sometimes it does...

Sam gave a nod to Hal and was thankful he showed her around a little more. It helped her get her bearings before looking to silly searching for things. Hal was good at explaining too.

   "Got it. So at lunch time should I come and get you first or just go and try myself?"

Really she was a little nervous, but at the same time she didn't want Hal to feel like she was coming in and just taking over everything either. The last thing she wanted was to cause any ill feelings when she had only just started.

   "Yeah I guess sometimes it does."

Leaning  back in his chair Dalton would let Scott decied if he was going to stay or go. It was completely up to him and even if he had to stay in his car he would and just keep an eye on his apartment. 

Hearing Scott's next comment Dalton was a little surprised. The thought of going through it again had scared him yet not he was asking if it would be better. 

   "It might help but there is no sure chance that it will work without any more long lasting effects. I don't think Reese would want to chance it. You've been through enough already."

Letting Jamison take some of the books Lucy was thankful for his willingness to help. He seemed nice enough and that unfortunately was rare now a days. 

   "Thanks I really appreciate it. My car is just a little ways over there."

Walking a few more steps Lucy was silent before brushing some stray hair out of her face again. She felt bad just letting the silence linger, but she didn't know what to say. She had to say something though.

   "I'm Lucy by the way. Do you go to the University here too or just enjoying the day?"

Nate understood a little where Garret was coming from with not wanting to see them. It had to be hard, and even if he did get to know them, it might always hold hard memories. It was not something Nate would push. If Garret wanted to he could, and if not than that was ok too.

   "Once you are part of this family there is no easy way out. Specially when we like you."

Looking at Laura and giving a smile Nate looked back to Garret. He was happy he agreed to have dessert, and play a game with them. Coming out of his room a little more was an improvement he was happy about. Maybe things would start looking up.

   "Oh that's Jamison Meighleau. He is a new prospect for working with us at the Elite. I guess Kirk and Adison worked with him at the FBI. "

Nate looked at Garret for a long moment before taking another sip of his coffee.

   "Why do you ask?"

Close to Death

Hal cocked his head as he watched Sam watching Aaron. She seemed very capable and very observant. Though the whole FBI thing made him leery, she wasn’t making it easy for him to not like her.

Her question made him sigh. “Not really. All I know is he joined the Agency as a teenager so he did have some kind of life before that. Garret was not only his superior in the Agency, but also his idol, so he feels pretty betrayed that Garret came here.” He shrugged. “That’s about it. Justin Hawks – he’s a counselor on contract – was just starting to work with him but the Agency apparently scared him off so I don’t know if he’s coming back. Anyway, he didn’t have time to dig into details. If you really want to know more about Aaron though… if I were you, I’d talk to Garret. Either wait til he comes in again, or go see him. He’d know more than anybody.”

Of course…last Hal heard, Garret hadn’t been doing all that well. Although he’d been here a little bit lately. “If all else fails, talk to Nate since he’s Garret’s handler. In the meantime…” He checked his watch. “Aaron’s lunchtime is in a little while. Come on and I’ll show you the ropes.”

He took her back upstairs to the breakroom and opened the fridge and freezer. “Got a variety frozen dinners here – take your pick, and the microwave is right over there. Aaron isn’t exactly appreciative, and I probably wouldn’t be if I were him either, but he refuses to tell me what he likes, so I’m not gonna waste money on something else. I figured out he likes apples though, and there are plenty of those here. And we give him all the bottled water he wants.”

He thought for a moment, going over everything in his head. “The days you’re here, you’ll take care of his breakfast and lunch at least. I usually work late, sometimes graveyard shift, so I’ll take care of his suppers. And I know you know this already but I gotta say it anyway – just be careful when you take him his food. He knows well enough to stand clear of the door, but I wouldn’t put it past him to pull any stunts. Just leave the food on the table and leave him be, and…that’s as hard as it gets.”

Scott frowned and took another sip of pop. “Yeah well…surviving sucks then.” 

He didn’t know what to do now. Dalton wasn’t going to leave him alone – he knew that without asking. So should he go home and take Dalton with him, or just bunk down here? It would be more comfortable for both of them at the house, even if his place was small. But how long would it last? Really just until they’d dismantled that lab? That shouldn’t take long, right? 

He was quiet for a long while, though his finger kept playing with the pop can tab. It would take a while for the initial fright to pass…but there was something else he felt this time. Anger. He was angry the Agency wouldn’t leave him alone. Angry that it kept cropping up again. Angry that he could never move on. 

“Reese mentioned that Garret said I was primed for an upgrade.” Oh, how that thought terrified him. His hands started to tremble again, as did his voice. “Wouldn’t… wouldn’t that be a good thing? That it…well it…it might give us an edge on the Agency, right?”

Seeing the young woman blush, Jamison just grinned. He knew all too well the impossibility of recovering from a clumsy maneuver. “Try calculus from a professor who liked to write up assignments in Latin just for the fun of it.” He chuckled at the memory. He’d still managed an A, but it had been close. 

“A backpack would probably be a good investment,” he agreed. Seeing one of her books slipping, and reached out to grab it before it fell to the ground again. He’d never forgive himself if he walked away now. “In the meantime though…” He took at least half the books from her arms without giving her a chance to refuse. “I can’t stand to see books this close to death. Let me at least help get them where you were going.”

Garret scoffed and shook his head. “What for? They don’t even know they have a brother. What would be the point? Just to make them feel good that they’re not the ones who got the short end of the stick?”

Bitterness laced his words, and he knew it. He did feel bitter. And angry. It was bad enough that his parents had actually sold him to the Agency, but then to leave the country altogether and go and start a new family without him… it hurt. It hurt a lot.

Realizing he was tearing the napkin in half, he tossed it aside and sighed. “No…no, it’s better they live in blissful ignorance. I’m sure they’re all happier not knowing about me.” 

Laura had resumed her place at the counter and gave Nate a sorrowful look. How sad. How utterly and totally sad. It had been bad enough the way it was to learn of what his parents had done. To top it off with him finding out he had siblings, it…it was appalling. She just wanted to give Garret a big hug, but knew well enough that was something he would not appreciate. At least not now. She did wander closer though to rest her arm on Nate’s shoulder. “At least we know about you,” she mentioned softly. “And we’re happier for it.”

Garret looked up at her, his eyes glossing over again and he forced a dry laugh. “You know… for the first time… maybe I believe you.” 

Laura smiled. “Good. Because it’s true. I know it has to really hurt…knowing about your parents and what they did. Whatever you decide to do though…you’re a part of this family now whether you like it or not. And that won’t change. You can trust that.” 

Garret’s gaze dropped once more. Could he? Who could he really trust? No one had ever not let him down. “How do I know that?” 

“Well… for starters… we do have chocolate ice cream.” 

Garret’s eyes snapped back up again in disbelief. 

Laura bit her lip to keep from laughing. She hadn’t meant to make light of the topic, but it did feel like maybe a shift would be good for the time being. “That’s… gotta count for something, right?” 

Finally a grin curled Garret’s lips and he nodded. “You do have a point.” 

“Good. If you want… when Maggie’s done with her homework – which should be any minute – we can all have some ice cream and play a game. If… you feel up to it?” 

Did he? On one hand, Garret felt like doing nothing but hibernating. On the other…he didn’t want to be alone. “I think I might.” He turned his attention back to Nate as the wheels in his mind were still turning. “Um… there was a guy I saw at the Elite today. Kinda short… dark hair… maybe he was there with the FBI agents? I was just wondering who he was.” Actually, the subject wasn’t as disconnected as it might seem, but for now he was just trying to put a few pieces together.


About to reply again Sam stopped seeing Hal coming. If Aaron wanted to play this kind of game she could play alone. His comments didn't bother her at all. It was actually rather amusing. Her brothers use to pick on her pretty bad so she was use to it in a way.

Continuing to walk Sam took in everything about Aaron. The way he walked, the way he breathed, even the look of thankfulness that was in eye for only a moment. She observed him and it made her wonder more. Who was Aaron really. 

Getting back to his cell and hearing his comment Sam crossed her arms over she chest and just smiled a little before shaking her head. Did he really think she would get bored that fast? 

   "Two week...ok, so I just need to last a week and a day to prove you wrong. I think I can handle it. See you at lunch time."

Stepping out of the room and letting Hal close the door and lock it Sam just looked through the window at Aaron for a long moment her arms still crossed. Finally looking to Hal she spoke.

   "So whats his deal really? I mean, I've read his file but that only tells so much. Do we know anything else on who Aaron is?"

   "I hate to break it to you buddy, but being scared is part of being human."

Dalton sits back in his chair and sips his mountain dew for a moment just thinking. It was the truth even if anyone voiced it or not.

   "I think in one form or another we all worry about the Agency and when they will come after us. As for why they can't leave you alone, its because you are a survivor. One day it will day."

  "Yeah, I guess they do."

Giving a small smile Lucy looked up at Jamison and she cheeks turn a soft shade of red. Nothing like making herself look like an idiot in front of someone handsome. Taking her glasses from Jamison and picking up some of the other books she gives a small shake of her head.

   "I'm not sure it makes much sense either way honestly. It a course I have to take though so hopefully it will stick enough to get a passing grade and I can be done with it."

Standing and brushing her herself off she tucks the books under her arm the best she can. If it wasn't one this it was always another. She'd come to learn that in life of a college student. 

   "Thanks for the help, it means a lot. Maybe now I'll finally get around to buying a backpack."

A brother? Nate couldn't help the look of shock on his face. How did Garret know he had family? On top of that he couldn't imagen how Garret must feel. He had been ready for him to say it was someone in the Agency, even someone he was watching because he thought they were but part of his family threw Nate for a loop.

As Garret gets up abruptly Nate sat up a little straighter and was a little shocked Laura had stepped out in front of him. Not that Nate though he would hurt her, but it was still a pretty daring thing to do. 

When Garret sits down again Nate's look held compassion. He could never pretend how this must feel but if he was to guess it would be pretty horrible and his heart ached.

   "Garret, I am so sorry. That has to be a hard thing to deal with and honestly I don't know what all to say because I've never been in that situation."

Nate was silent once again for a moment looking to Laura and than back to Garret. He really did feel helpless on this one and his heart hurt.

   "Have you thought about contacting them? I know you are pretty upset with your parents and you have every right to be, but maybe if you were to talk to your brother and sister, that could be nice."

November 26, 2016


Aaron scowled up at Sam. She was no pushover, that was for sure. Which was a shame. It made his job harder. He’d find an opening…somewhere. Once they got him out of these cuffs and with some crutches, he’d be halfway there anyway. Then all he’d need would be a moment of opportunity. 

“I suppose if you’re willing,” he mused dryly. “Does that mean I get a snack and get to take a nap? Maybe you can read me a story.” 

Hal’s return interrupted the rather brief conversation, and he came back down the stairs, this time with a set of crutches in hand. “Alright, Aaron. You win. Or rather, doctor’s orders win.” He offered Aaron a hand up. “Come on.” He looked to Sam, showing his displeasure, but they really had little choice. It was a hard line they had to ride… on one hand, Aaron was a dangerous prisoner. On the other, they were trying to rehabilitate him and treat him like a human so he could learn there was something outside the Agency worth living for. It was a line that Sam was going to have to learn to find on her own as she took over as Aaron’s handler. 

Hal let her take off the handcuffs so he could be prepared, just in case, but surprisingly, Aaron didn’t try to pull any stunts. “And…your crutches. Now we better not hear any more complaints out of you.” 

Finally able to lean on something and take the weight off his knee, the relief was so much, it took Aaron a moment just to get enough gumption to move again. He didn’t say anything, but maybe, just maybe if one looked close enough, there was a thanks in his eyes. 

Taking to the stairs was easier and faster, despite the awkwardness of the crutches, and the long hallway upstairs was easier, too. He put a little weight on his leg, but not enough to cause him to stumble, ceasing his complaints, at least for now. He didn’t make any trouble either, which surprised Hal, but he wasn’t going to point it out, for fear it wouldn’t last. 

Eventually, they were back downstairs again at the cell door. Having to leave the crutches outside, Aaron sighed before limping back inside and turning to look at Sam again. “I give you two weeks, tops, til you get too bored for this. See you at lunchtime.” 

Scott took the Mountain Dew and flipped it open to take a shaky drink. “You shouldn’t have to come with me… it’s… it’s all stupid.”

He frowned as he tried to keep the past images from coming back again. “I’m tired of being scared, Dalton… why… why can’t I just not be scared?” He turned to look at his friend. “Why can’t I just be the way I was before? Why can’t they leave me alone? I… I… I just don’t understand.”

Jamison was just thumbing through a few things on his phone when the nearby collision caught the corner of his eye. He was going to ignore it, but seeing the other guy just walk away, he rolled his eyes. Tucking his phone in his pocket, he got up from the table and wandered the short distance, picking up one of the books for the young woman. “Some guys make an occupation out of being jerks,” he muttered. 

Spotting her glasses in the grass, he picked them up too, before they got stepped on. “You might want these.” He gave her a wry grin. “Otherwise you might not be able to read all these books.” He couldn’t help cocking his head to read the spines. “On second thought, you might wanna keep your gasses off. Sometimes blurry calculus actually makes more sense.”

Joined at the table, Garret didn’t make a move to converse. Nate did have a point though…the longer Garret kept himself in that bedroom, the more cooped up he felt. Today’s multiple walks had helped, though. As Laura brought him some warmed up leftovers, he nodded, genuinely grateful. “Thanks.”

Laura smiled. That in itself was an improvement. “You’re welcome. There’s ice cream for later, too, if you want.” 

After taking a couple bites of spaghetti, Nate’s next words stopped Garret short, with his fork halfway to his mouth. It felt like every muscle in his body tensed, and he swallowed his mouthful before setting his fork down again. 

At the sink, Laura froze. The air suddenly felt thick, and she wished she would have sneaked out of the room sooner, but it was too late now. She dared a glance over her shoulder to see Garret simply sitting still. Was he angry? She couldn’t tell. 

It took a long time for Garret to weigh his options. He knew that secrecy here was unacceptable. Laura had just been a little smarter and faster than he’d anticipated. And he hadn’t been careful at all. Not that he really cared anymore. It didn’t matter. Not now anyway. He pushed his plate far enough away to set his elbows on the table and fold his hands. His eyes didn’t look up to Nate, though. “John Schrader is…my brother.” Saying it out loud was harder than he’d thought, and quite suddenly it felt hard to breathe. His hunger vanished, leaving his stomach to try and reject the few bites of food he’d just had. 

Laura blinked and looked at Nate, her eyes wide. Garret had no family. Not to mention, his name wasn’t the same. What was going on? 

Garret swallowed hard as his eyes concentrated on the table. “I wasn’t supposed to remember where I’d come from, so I could never investigate while I was in the Agency. At least not more than finding a couple names. So…when I was here, I… I just…” Feeling the tears behind his eyes, he couldn’t take it, and stood abruptly, aiming for the door way. 

Laura dropped what she was doing, and skirted around him to block his path. She’d wait until later to think about what a stupid move it was. Looking up at him and seeing his tears, her heart broke. But her voice was stern. “Sit back down,” she hissed, keeping her voice down so as not to alert Maggie upstairs. “You are going to stop running. I don’t care what your story is, but you’re going to face it. Right here. Right now.” 

Garret set his hands on his hips and turned away from both of them to look up at the ceiling and try to get himself under control. So much for having thought he was through the worst of it. 

Laura wanted to set a hand on his arm, but she refrained. “Sit down, Garret,” she prompted. “Please.”

Too emotionally tired to fight any more, he did as he was told, and slumped back down in his chair. Again though, it was quiet for several minutes before he spoke once more. “My real name is Hans Schrader.” His breath caught in his throat, and he swiped a tear away before it had a chance to run down his cheek. “I was born in Germany and… after my parents sold me, the Agency gave me a new name… new language… new identity.” 

He finally had enough courage to glance up at Nate. “They thought they brainwashed me but… but I hung on to enough bits and pieces to remember being sold and… my parents’ faces… and my name.” He paused, taking another moment to breathe. “I, um… there was a time a few years ago that… I was off the Agency grid and dug a little. I just… I’d always wondered what had happened to my parents and…” He shook his head and forced a dry sort of laugh instead of crying like he wanted to. “Found out they’d moved to America right after selling me, and had two more kids. John and Marie. They’re all out on the east coast… great lives… families and… I… don’t exist.” 

He nodded and picked up a napkin to fiddle with as his eyes sank back down. “That’s…why I looked up John. I…guess I couldn’t leave well enough alone.”


Walking with Aaron Sam felt a little bad for him. It was easy to see he was in a good deal of pain, and she new his knee must be hurting. At the same time though she didn't feel all the bad since really he'd done it to himself.

Coming to a stop as Aaron did and slid against the wall she raised an eyebrow. From what she read in his file he wasn't one to give up, and stubborn for sure. Giving a nod to Rick Sam leaned against the wall and waited. Hearing Aaron's comment Sam gave a grunt.

   "I guess you are right, this is kinda like babysitting. I can treat it like that if you want?"

Sam looked down at him trying to figure him out. What did he really want? He new why he was in cuffs, it had been his own doing and yet he wanted them off. Sam wondered if someone could really change that quickly.

   "You can go home to your house. I'll go with you too. Plus I haven't seen Domino in ages."

Seeing Scott was really getting worked up Dalton went to his chair and rolled back over to him setting a can of Mountain dew on the desk.

   "It's going to be ok Scott I promise. I am with you every step of the way. No one is going to do anything to you again."

Hanging up with Reese Ron flopped down on his couch and pet his orange tabby on the head. This was all going to happen fast and it wasn't something he planned but he was excited. 

    "I wonder how you are going to like it in Nevada. As long as you have a place to sleep and food I doubt you will care."

Picking his phone back up he texted Kirk back again.

Oh good, it was a nightmare when
I first moved here with finding
something. I spend 3 weeks living
out of my car.

Sending the text he was quick to start another. 

 Looks like it will be in a month.
I have a few things here I need to 
wrap up. Good thing my apartment
is month to month. I'm excited.

Walking though the park trying to juggle four different text books the short red head tried to blow a hair from her face. She really should get a backpack but just hadn't yet. Every day though it seemed she had to park farther and farther form the University.

Passing a bench where she saw a dark haired man sitting she smiled wondering what a sight she must be. Looking in front of her again it was to late and she was caliding with someone else sending her glasses and books flying. 

   "I am so sorry fault."

Watching as the man hurried away and didn't even bother to help her she let out a long sign. Bending down she started with her books to sure where he glasses went but at least she wasn't totally blind without them. These books were on loan and she couldn't get them dirty or she'd have to pay for them.

Giving a nod to Laura Nate new at this point he needed to talk with Garret. He hadn't done anything wrong and he didn't want him to think that. Maybe if he was just straight and his tone was more wondering than anything else Garret would be ok. He was worried though and just wanted to make sure Garret wasn't in trouble.

   "Hey, I'm happy to see you go out on your own today and got a little fresh air. Being cooped up all the time is never fun."

Taking a sip from his glass of water that was still on the table Nate was silent for a second gathering his thoughts, Finally looking up again and searching Garret's face he just let what he wanted to say roll out of his mouth,

   "So who is John Schrader? I couldn't help but notice the link to his facebook, and I just wondered if maybe it was someone you new, or someone you think might be Agency?"