May 1, 2017

Time to Go

Hal looked down at Sam's hand as she placed it on his. Her touch was warm... soft... comforting. His thumb curled around hers for just a moment before he silently retreated and slumped down in a chair at the table. Normally he might make a crack about her lack of cooking skills, but today he remained quiet, too absorbed in his own turmoil to find humor.

A few minutes​ later, his ringing phone made him jump and he immediately answered it. "Hello? ... Yeah, Mike.... Uh-huh.... Right. England.... No, no notice til just today... She's sixteen.... well I know that- ... But... Even if she has full custody, can't I-" He sank down even further in his chair. "No, nothing like that. Nothing I can prove anyway... No, I understand... Yeah, okay... Thanks."

Ending the call, he set his phone aside before folding his arms on the table and leaning down to rest his head on them. Unless he wanted to become a very mean individual, there was nothing he could do. There was no way to stop this. He was losing his baby girl.

Zan's smile widened. Destiny had said "yet." That meant she anticipated coming more often, and... he liked that idea. "Oh, don't worry. I'll make sure Jett takes care of you. He's good like that." Zan didn't try to take advantage of his friend, but Jett would do just about anything he asked, especially around the races.  "I'm hoping it'll be sometime next week. Soon as my car is up and running and me and the others have a game plan." At least he hoped it was going to work that way. He hoped Ryan would be able to pick up where she'd left off - it hadn't been the same without her driving. 

His vibrating phone interrupted his thoughts, and he retrieved it to read the text message. "No, I don't want to come to a party," he spoke loudly to it for no reason. "I got better things to do, Jett." He sighed as he typed out a much nicer reply and sent it before giving Destiny a sheepish little smirk. "He doesn't have many friends, and he doesn't fly solo very well. I love him though." 

Taking another sip of coffee, he realized he'd hit the bottom of his cup, and he frowned. "I hate it when I reach the bottom. That always means it's time to go."

Jason just relaxed and let their connection carry their emotions. He wasn't used to not fighting it - even when they'd been connected before he'd constantly waged war against it. It felt different now to just... let go. It was far less painful, and much more peaceful. 

"Maybe..." He continued to think about all their options. "I like that idea. Maybe four people. Rick, Rosetta and Mick, and Reese." He hated thinking about their parents not knowing. Or their best friends... like Con. But they had to keep it limited, not only for their own safety, but the safety of others. 

"When we get back... whenever that is... we can tell Reese that we can't keep hiding, and the four new people need to know the truth. From there, we can either see they'll keep our secret and we'll go about business as usual, or if we see them headed for the FBI, we'll disappear." 

He gave her a tight squeeze.
I don't even want to think about leaving behind our friends and families... but as long as we're together... that's what matters most to me.