May 14, 2017

On Task

Aaron was rarely surprised by Sam's entrances anymore, and he just glanced up as she came into his room. Seeing the first aid supplies, he sat up a little straighter on the bed. "Thanks..." 

Using the cream first, he started taking care of his burn himself, still listening though. He quirked an eyebrow and looked at her skeptically. "Surprise surprise," he commented dryly. "Maybe one of these days they'll figure out I don't lie as much as one of their own does." He might be a prisoner, but he had ears, and he knew of Chance's less-than-honest history. 

He tore open a bandage wrapper with his teeth. "I know, I know, my track record isn't pretty. I shouldn't ever think anybody around here will trust me. But the fact that Reese believes me is... kinda irrelevant isn't it?" He taped the bandage down and moved his eyes to Sam again. "I mean... I'm just gonna either go to prison or get the badge of good behavior and be pushed out the door. So... what am I really supposed to be doing here?"

He cocked his head. "Honestly... what's the point in me staying in line? Your goal is to rewire my brain, but what's my goal supposed to be? Other than trying to stay sane while being in this room all freakin' day?" He didn't mean to be grouchy, and he didn't mean to take his frustrations out on Sam, but he really was starting to feel like he was losing his mind. He knew he only had a few days until they'd go to the lake but... it was all he could do not to just go start trouble for the sake of something to do. The Legos and magazines just weren't cutting it anymore, especially now that he could hobble around a little better.

Zan shrugged as he chewed his pizza. "My day was alright. Car is getting there. Actually started today and that's a huge improvement. Now Eli's just gonna make it look halfway presentable and... I should be ready to go again."

He tossed her a new smile."You still wanna come, right?"

As the table talked and laughed and ate, no one noticed when a lone figure entered the restaurant, stopped and just watched them for a few seconds as if debating whether he should stay as planned or just turn around and leave. He finally came over, though, and pulled a chair close since all six around the table were already taken.

"Hey!" It was Eli who noticed him first. "Grab some pizza before it's gone!"

Zan looked up quickly, his eyes widening slightly. He had honestly forgotten all about Jett. "What took you so long?"

Jett smirked and reached between him and Eli for a slice of pizza. "I told you I worked til seven."

"Oh yeah."

Jett took a bite, then leaned back behind Zan to see Destiny to give her a nod hello. "I see you haven't gotten  sick of this bunch yet. Brave woman."

Zan smirked. "It wasn't half as bad til you showed up."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Jett glanced around at the others. "So, you talk about Thunder yet?"

"Oh yeah." Hunter nodded. "Thunder's gonna be old news here pretty soon. We're all set, soon as Zan is up and running."

"Oh." Jett swallowed his bite. They'd already talked and made a decision? He looked around at the others, realizing he was very obviously the fifth wheel... or seventh, in this case. Apparently plans had changed between the junkyard and now, and the whole point of getting together had already taken place. Without warning, he stood up, taking his half-eaten pizza slice with him. "Well, I can't stay. Just wanted to make sure you all were staying on task." His eyes swept over Scarlet, Ryan - who was snuggled next to Hunter - and Destiny. Yeah they looked on task alright. "I'll catch you later."

Zan quirked an eyebrow. "Thought you weren't doing anything else. Hot date?"

Jett forced a dry laugh. "You know it." He backed away from the table, finishing his pizza as he went. "Have a good one."