May 31, 2017


Laughing Sam went back to cutting the vegetable. She thought it was actually cute that Hal really didn't know what he had put in. She wondered if maybe just going with what you thought would be good really did make it good in the long run.

Continuing the light chat and swaying to the music dinner was ready before Sam even realized it. Getting the plates and making sure the wine was poured she followed Hal out back to the deck. Sitting and taking in the view Sam was almost in awe. It was so pretty and might not be fancy but it was romantic and perfect.

   "I don't mind at all this is perfect."

Looking at Hal and smiling Sam glanced back out to the flickering lights of the city. It was funny how a person sometimes never could think something could look so nice till they could look at it with someone else.

Picking up her wine glass she held it up to Hal and smiled cocking her head at him. Her eyes twinkled in the night light as she looked at Hal and took in his face. 

   "To us, and a perfect night."

Watching as they got farther and farther out of town Destiny just took everything in again. This time at least it was day out so she could see everything better. Where they were going wasn't the normal track but it still kind of gave her an idea of things.

Getting to the location and getting out Destiny came up along side Zan and smiled when she saw Eli. She remembered him from the other night and gave him a little wave. 

   "Hey! I didn't really have anything better to do today so I figured maybe having another set of eyes would be good."

   "Oh we will. I'me not giving up on that easily."

Ryan grinned at Hunter. He was stuck with her now. She was into deep and had fallen too hard for him to just give Hunter up like that.

Listening to Hunter talk about Dylan more Ryan gave a nod. She understood what Hunter was saying. She new Dylan's situation was different, but she had been on the side when growing up fast was a must. After her father had passed away her whole world had changed so she understood.

   "Well...if you are racing I'll sit out to be with Dylan and he can hang out with my group. I be he would get along with Leo and then there is Zan's new friend Destiny she might be a good person for him to be around too. Despite all the bad, there really is the good groups too."

Finishing off what she could eat of her chicken Ryan set her napkin down on the rest. Normally she would bring it home but since they weren't going right home she didn't bother. Leaning back in her chair she smiled across the table at Hunter. 

   "Yeah...he gets antsy more than me. We better go."