May 27, 2017

Good on You

Hunter smirked at Ryan. "Watch a movie and make out? I'm a guy. Guys can only focus on one thing at a time, ya know." Sitting up quickly, he released her and grabbed the remote to hit the play button to start the movie again. After only about five seconds though, he gave Ryan a sidelong glance before turning and flopping down on top of her again to start kissing her neck. 

Coming up laughing, his eyes twinkled. "You go ahead and multitask..." He kissed her lips gently. "I think I found my one thing to focus on." 

Aaron sighed. He knew he couldn't stay out here with Sam all day. And even though he was tempted to push the limits and actually refuse to go back just to see what she'd do... he just... couldn't do that to her. He might not trust anybody else but... maybe he had come to trust her. And she didn't deserve to deal with his temper tantrum.

"Yeah... okay." Back to the Elite. Back to his small room. Back to... no future. He straightened and stood up, trying to loosen up his knee a little. Without saying anything, he grabbed his one crutch and hobbled back to their picnic spot to put his socks and shoes back on and help carry things back to the car.

He was silent on the trip back until they'd reached the parking lot. Looking over at Sam, he pursed his lips a moment before giving her a little nod. "Thanks. I, um... I enjoyed myself today."

It was early. Earlier than chore time. The sky was gray but the sun hadn't shown itself above the horizon yet. Rick had suggested starting out early so they could make the trip in one shot and make it home by evening, and everyone had agreed. 

With his stuff already loaded up, Dylan made his way quietly to one of the bunkhouses, and around the corner to Ashlee's window. He knew she'd still be asleep and... he preferred it that way. He hoped she wouldn't be upset to wake up and find he'd already left but he hated goodbyes. Pulling an envelope from his pocket, he hesitated a moment before tucking it into a little slat in the window pane where Ashlee would see it. Finished with his task, he headed back towards the truck, getting a hug from Sparky, his dad, and even Jade had gotten up early to send him off. 

The little note that Ashlee would find later was handwritten...
Had to take off early. Just wanted to say I'll see ya soon. Thanks for looking after Seven for me. If he gets to be a handful, ask Dad or Sparky to give him a workout. He loves apples and carrots. Keep up riding Moonbeam so we can go for a ride when I come back, okay? Stay safe. Have fun. Don't quit smiling... it looks good on you. 