May 6, 2017

Only If

Dylan sighed, his eyes growing a little dimmer. “I already have Reese’s number. I’ve… had it for a while.”

Jason quirked an eyebrow.
So this apparently isn’t a new idea of his.
“And so why haven’t you called him?”

“Because… I know he wouldn’t just let me in on my own. I… was hoping you guys could put a good word in for me. He’d listen to you.”

He’s got guts, I’ll give him that.
Jason gave Katie a momentary glance.
“What’s your dad have to say about all this?”

Dylan chewed on the inside of his lip. “I… haven’t talked to him about it.” He looked between them, barely letting his gaze out from under the brim of his cowboy hate. “You know how he is. He’d never want me to leave. But… I don’t need his permission.”

“All it would take is one call from him to Reese, and you’d never get into the Elite,” Jason warned. “Reese won’t defy your dad. The people here are too important in all this and if your dad fights the Elite, Reese will back off.” Of that much, he was certain. Reese would not put himself in the middle of a family feud, especially with everything else going on.

Dylan’s shoulders dropped. “It was worth asking.”

Jason sighed. “Why do you want this all of a sudden? I figured you’d want to stay here at the ranch.”

“Yeah well… sometimes… acres and acres of land can be… small.”

“And the horses? You’d just… give all that up?”

Sadness entered Dylan’s gaze. Horses were one of the most important things to him, and he was in love with Seven. But he still felt trapped. “I don’t…” He sighed. “I don’t know if I really belong here.” His eyes found Katie’s. Surely she could relate. After having lived here with her aunt, then deciding to leave to do something more. To be something more. “I’m only here because Dad wanted to protect me. I get that, and as much as I hate to admit it, it was the best thing for me. But it was the Agency that screwed up my life, and I don’t want to just stay here and hide the rest of my life. I mean… what is really here for me? The best friend I’ve got is busy ninety percent of the time with her boyfriend. I only go out to go to horse auctions, and I’ve always got to have someone with me in case the Agency shows up. I love horses, don’t get me wrong, but it would be nice to go hang out with someone sometime who isn’t my dad’s age.”

Jason knew Kate would feel his sympathetic emotions. He felt badly for the younger man. It was obvious he did feel stuck and very lonely – especially if he was confiding in them, whom he really didn’t even know all that well. Ashlee did seem preoccupied with Travis, and the next closest person would be his own sister, who was preoccupied with being engaged. Clint and Wendy would come close, but they had their own little family, and Clint seemed to have his own set of problems. Dylan really did have a very small social sphere here… no wonder he wanted out. “Are you sure going to the Elite would be the best option? What about going away to school or something?”

Dylan shrugged lamely. “I hate school. And I know I haven’t shown an interest in the Elite before but… it looks like you do really cool stuff. I know it’s hard work and dangerous and it’s not as glamorous as it looks on the outside but… at least I’d be fighting against the people who messed me up. I just… I want a chance to do something… to be something more than just a horse wrangler. Maybe I’ll hate it – but at least I’ll know I tried.”

Jason pursed his lips and thought. Dylan did seem to have motivation. And he was right – Jason started at a younger age than he was. Not that it was a good idea – he still had bitter feelings against Austin for steering him in that direction before he was ready. But Dylan was completely self-motivated at this point. No one was trying to recruit him, and he did seem to have a healthy, realistic perspective. Jason glanced at Katie again. “I guess… maybe we could talk to Reese?” He looked back to Dylan. “What if we told Reese everything? Including the part about your dad? Then he could talk to your dad himself before he makes a decision.”

Dylan didn’t like that idea, but he knew good and well his dad would be involved at some point. He finally nodded. “Just… don’t say anything to anyone else… okay?”

Jason gave Katie a wary look. Was secrecy such a good idea? Could they do it, just for Dylan’s sake?

 Zan's eyes traveled down to their hands as Destiny's fingers ran through his palm. It might mean absolutely nothing, but in all honesty, he hadn't felt a gentle, unassuming touch like hers in... a very long time. The last woman he'd spent time alone with had been the one who'd only wanted to get him into bed. But Destiny... he could easily sense her innocence and recognize she had no ill-motivation. 

His gaze drifted back up again at her invitation to go to church. He had to think about that one for a few moments. He hadn't stepped foot in a church since moving here... other than for someone's wedding a year or so ago. But at least with this, he'd be with Destiny... and at least it sounded halfway casual - which was good, seeing as though his nicest clothes still included jeans. He had no excuse. He didn't work Sundays, and had no other plans. "Okay." A new little smile emerged, and he curled his fingers around hers, gently toying with them. "Only if I can take you out to lunch afterwards." 

 It was the next morning, and things around the Elite were fairly quiet. Everyone had their noses in their own businesses this morning, leaving the atmosphere quieter than normal. There was still an odd tension in the air, which had started ever since Katie and Jason had left. 

"Hey, good morning." Wyatt tapped on the open door to the security room and gave Sam a friendly smile. "I was supposed to let you know Hal called in today. If you could keep an eye on the monitors that would be awesome. Otherwise I can come sit a while if you need to go anywhere."