May 30, 2017


"Hey!" Hal chuckled as Sam plucked the pepper from his mouth, and returned her kiss. Chewing on the rest of the pepper, he glanced over his shoulder. "I didn't know if you liked wine either," he admitted wryly, and looked at the bottle she'd brought. "Mm... good choice." 

He nodded her over to the counter. "Of course you can help - you said you wanted to, so there's no way I'm letting you off that easy." He nudged her teasingly with his shoulder. "My goal is stir fry, so you can start working on cutting up the veggies. I... already started on the green pepper as you can see." He grinned as he put a handful of the freshly cut beef into the frying pan, sending it sizzling before he added some spices the wiped his hands on the dish towel he had over his shoulder. "Now, we can have this over rice, or I've got some angel hair pasta - that will be your pick though. I've got some Italian bread we can toast with some garlic and butter, too." 

As the background music swelled, he tossed the meat in the frying pan more dramatically. Pausing, he stuck his head over Sam's shoulder and spoke in a low voice. "Epic music for an epic kitchen experience." Only after giving her neck a playful kiss did he straighten up again and concentrated on the food before he burned something.

Zan could feel a little heat coming to his face as he smiled back at Destiny. "Aw... I'm only me 'cause I wouldn't know how to be anybody else." Her touch to his hand sent little tingles all the way up his arm, making his smile widen. Maybe... maybe this was what he'd been missing in his life. "You make me smile too," he added softly.

As their waitress came with their food, he was forced to pull away and sit up straight again, tossing Destiny a quick wink. And this time... he offered to pray for the food before they ate.

Biting into his sandwich, he sighed with content. "Mm... that's what I wanted." He grinned a little sheepishly. "I sorta get cravings," he admitted. "And today it was crispy chicken on a sandwich just like this."

"Oh yeah, definitely." Hunter nodded. "I've figured out how to beat Thunder on the course, but he's still a dirty player and he doesn't belong out there. I'm afraid if he sticks around too long, we're gonna lose the good people, attract more like him, and the whole thing is gonna go to pot." He shrugged. "Which... wouldn't be good for multiple reasons. More riffraff could mean some attention from the cops." As long as everyone behaved themselves for the most part, the law left them alone. But if anything went awry, they'd be in trouble. 

Hunter glanced at his watch as he sipped his water. They still had time to relax while they ate, no problem. He was just ready to say something more when his phone buzzed and he checked his messages. "Dylan," he commented. "They're making good time, but prolly won't wind up in town til around midnight tonight. I figured as much." He paused to text Dylan back before returning his phone to his pocket. "I'll have to feel him out once he's here but I figure maybe we could show him a good time a few nights or something - if you don't mind, that is. "