May 28, 2017

Good Sense

Hunter was so far gone when Ryan left, that he didn't feel or hear a thing. Later, he would have a vague memory of waking and half wondering why he was on the couch, but then just falling back to sleep. It wasn't until morning that he actually opened his eyes with the foggy recollection that he hadn't been alone when he'd fallen asleep last night. 

Sitting up, he yawned and rubbed his eyes, then noticed the piece of paper. Picking it up and reading Ryan's note, a smile spread on his lips. At least one of them had good sense. He. Was. Blessed. After reading it again, he finally got up, taking it with him. And before going to take a shower, he tucked the note safely into his nightstand drawer...

...Once he was fully up and going and had some coffee in him, he knew by now Ryan had been at work at least an hour or two already. He really did need more of a life than just racing or he was gonna start looking more and more like a bum. Pulling out his phone, he sent her a text, knowing she'd see it whenever she had a break.

Good morning sunshine.
Thanks for the note... :)
Wanna do lunch before
we meet the guys in 
the desert?
My treat...

By the time Sam came back to his room, Aaron was sacked out on his bed, not wanting to admit how sore his leg was after all the activity today. His cheeks felt a little tight, too, and he was pretty sure they'd gotten just a tad bit too much sun. He'd do it again tomorrow in a heartbeat though.

His eyes flew open as Sam came in, and his eyebrows rose at the news. "Serious?" He nodded slowly as the wheels in his mind started working overtime again. "Okay. Well, you know I'll be here."

Dylan snickered and swatted at Katie's hand, but missed. He'd never really interacted much with Katie... and he wasn't sure how much he'd interact with her in Nevada but... she was alright in his book. 

Jason grinned and popped one eye open again at Katie's silent comment. Reaching over, he grabbed her legs and pulled them up on the seat so he could sit diagonally and stretch out his own legs so his feet were in front of her. Setting her legs in his lap, he settled back again and sighed, giving her knees a teasing squeeze.
Uh-huh. Sleeping in sounds like a fantastic idea. Next time you pick the location. Somewhere warm. And tropical. 

He peered over at her again, hiding another grin and just let his hands rest on her legs. Rick was a stickler for seat belts, so this was as close as they could get for the trip back.