May 29, 2017


Hunter's eyebrows rose, and a smile spread on his lips. No wonder Ryan hadn't seemed so upset about Axel the last few days. "Well that's great. I'm thrilled for him and you both." He chewed another bite and nodded thoughtfully. "That might mean Zan will still have a job there too. I think he was gonna go in tomorrow for an interview. He's getting pretty low I think. Money-wise, I mean, after losing his main job then having to sink most all he had into car repairs. I don't think your brother's gonna charge him for this recent paint job though." It wasn't anything custom, but at least the car looked decent now. 

He nibbled on another piece of broccoli, then went for a piece of shrimp instead. He'd been thinking a lot about his own finances and was still undecided on what to do. He only made enough to survive because he was a betting man. Even when he didn't race, he usually chose a winner. Racing without betting, you only profited if you won - and the amount only depended on the number of racers. Even in the third level though, it only cost a hundred dollars to enter, which meant the pot might not be much at all in the end. Higher stakes came every once in a while if a couple racers went head-to-head, but it had been decided a long time ago that the normal races wouldn't go too high, just to make sure enough people could keep participating. 

Realizing he'd fallen into a stare, Hunter snapped back to attention and speared another piece of shrimp to bite it off the end of his fork. "Anyway... I think getting rid of Thunder will be a good boost for Zan. He's worked hard at getting this far and deserves to get back out there."

Zan frowned, hearing about Destiny's ex. He couldn't imagine before what kind of guy he was, and now he sounded even more messed up. How on earth had someone as innocent and sweet as Destiny ended up with somebody like that? It was sad, really.

Zan slid his hand across the table and curled his fingers around hers. "Hey... there's nothing to be sorry about," he assured. "It's no bother. I just feel bad for ya, that's all." He cocked his head, studying her eyes for a moment. "You don't have to come along to the desert today if you don't feel like it. I mean..." He bit his lip, but it didn't hide his sheepish grin. "I don't know if I could ever tire of your company." He chuckled and ran his fingers along hers and over her knuckles. "But I don't want you to feel like you have to come today if you'd rather stay home." If asked, he'd suggest she still come as a distraction, but he didn't think it was his place to say so at this point.

Hal tried his best to concentrate on his work, even though it wasn't easy. But he'd promised Reese those reports, and wound up having to stay even later than Sam. He was bound and determined to get out of there in time to keep their seven o'clock date though, and once free, he made fast time getting home.

After a quick shower, he changed into his comfortable jeans and a clean shirt and socks. By seven o'clock, the kitchen counter was covered with fresh vegetables, spices and dishes, and the frying pan was warming on the stove. Music of choice was an instrumental mix of movie scores to add a little flare to the background, and the patio doors had been left open so the air was fresh. Hal was busy thin slicing some beef and chewing on some raw green pepper, wanting at least a start on dinner before Sam arrived so they wouldn't have to eat too late. He'd left the front door unlocked and had texted her to come on in once she came, in case he didn't hear her knock.