May 11, 2017

Don't Care

As Sam left the room, Wyatt's eyes widened and all humor vanished. "Yeah... sure... anytime..." As she disappeared, he let out a low whistle before getting up from the desk. Maybe it would be best to go back to his own desk now, and far away from this end of the office. 

Aaron was sitting up on his bed, one knee up, and his bad leg stretched out and propped up with a pillow. He looked up as Sam entered, cocking his head just a little. She seemed a bit... uptight.

He shrugged at her question. "Eh... twisted my knee a little when Pete gave me a shove." He turned his arm around to try and see the red welt near his elbow. "Think I got a burn, but I'll live."

Falling silent for a moment, he replayed the scene in his head. And without any warning at all, he started to laugh. "You shoulda seen it. Sparks. Smoke. Whole thing just... boom." He gestured like an explosion as his laughter formed tears in his eyes. Trying to breathe, he shook his head. "The looks on their faces when they came around the corner... they must have thought I blew a hole in the wall in an attempt to escape."

He wiped his eyes and tried to calm down. "I never did get my lunch. I think frozen dinner..." He started laughing again, unable to speak for several moments. "...needs to be scraped off the ceiling." Coughing, he put a hand to his chest and forced the wave of laughter down. His face was red and he wiped his eyes again. "Pete's an idiot but I figured there wasn't much point in fighting him since I knew you'd be back."

He shook his head. "I never did get to tell them that all I did was punch in the time and hit start. Something must have overheated, but it wasn't anything I did." With his senses coming back, he sighed. No, he wasn't happy he was just a prisoner when Sam wasn't around. He wasn't happy with Pete's reaction. He wasn't happy about someone locking his door again - which really was pointless. But what else could he expect? "They prolly won't ever believe I wasn't trying to pull something, but I guess I don't care anymore."

Hunter was just getting into his car when he got Ryan's text, and grinned.
Getting hotter every minute.

He rolled his eyes at himself and started the engine. It was a good thing Eli didn't see their text conversation, otherwise he might assume some rather interesting things. 

After getting home, he'd showered and changed into his jeans and motorcycle boots with a clean, plain white t-shirt. After all, they were just going to mom and pops

Arriving at Ryan's, he pulled up to the curb and saw her waiting on the porch. Without giving her time to even stand up, he laid on the horn and shouted out the open window. "Hey! Get a move on! I don't got all night, ya know!"

Justin leaned back against the counter and sighed. It took him a few moments to answer Misty, but when he did, he nodded. "I think it's possible. He's had quite a severe breakdown, and it's no wonder with how many things he was trying to control. The good thing is that he's been answering questions honestly - as far as I can tell, and when he's been in the right frame of mind. I've put a lot of pieces together and I'm formulating some new approaches with him."

He paused and glanced at Misty's eyes. "The hard part is that this is going to take time. My prediction is that we won't want him left alone for probably the next four weeks at least. Hopefully he'll be more stable after that, but he's going to need months of counseling if he's going to get through this and... only if he actually wants to get better. Which brings me to the even harder issue... What's the Elite going to do with him?"

He shook his head. "The FBI wants him in prison. Reese wants him interrogated then handed over. Nobody wants him to stay here, and nobody can justify him getting away scott free. Personally, I think he's paid for his crimes." His eyes drifted back to the bed where Chance was huddled up, still clinging to his pillow. "But the law demands a different kind of justice. I'm afraid the only thing I can do is recommend he be placed in a hospital. That way it keeps him out of prison for now, with time to heal."