May 6, 2017


Feeling Destiny hold his hand in return, instead of pulling away, Zan took a sip of his milkshake to hide his smile. He hadn’t been sure if she’d be receptive or not, but was glad she was. Her touch was gentle and warm, just like he’d imagined. 

“Eh… don’t thank me.” He continued the slow amble around the little park. “This whole thing was your idea, remember? I just came along for the ride.” He gave her a sidelong glance and grinned. Keeping his hand in hers, he walked a little further until he spotted a bench. As he sat with her, he just took in their surroundings. It was peaceful here. He’d been here at night before but… hadn’t ever really noticed how pretty it was. 

Talking with Destiny was easy. Whether it was about his racing, or hobbies or favorite foods, it just never felt boring. The milkshakes were finished and time slipped by faster than realized…

“…but after Isabella I guess I just…” Zan’s fingers toyed with Destiny’s as he still held her hand between them. “Got angry with God,” he concluded. He’d admitted he’d had a strong faith at one time but had fallen away and just never quite got back. He hadn’t been surprised to hear of Destiny’s own faith and her regular church attendance. He’d sensed it – maybe that’s was one reason she had a peaceful air about her, in spite of all she’d gone through. 

He turned his head and let his eyes roam her face. “Maybe… I need to get back to that,” he concluded.

Travis grinned and brushed Ashlee’s cheek with his hand. “See you tomorrow. Sleep tight.” Giving her one last hug, he finally let go, and ambled towards his own bunk. He still didn’t like the limitations their parents had put on them but… it hadn’t turned out so bad. At least nobody was giving them a hard time for displaying affection. 

Back at the main house, Dylan tried to control his emotions. He’d talked with Ashlee, he’d had multiple talks with himself, and he’d done his best to put all feelings aside. And yet… he still had this little ache in his gut every time he saw her and Travis together. He was enjoying life more now… letting himself down and being happier was… something he’d needed to do. But it hadn’t solved his loneliness or his disliking Travis. Maybe talking with Katie and Jason really would be an answer. 

Finally pushing off the porch, he wandered to the barn for one last check before he’d go to bed. He knew his dad would have already made the last round but… he liked doing it anyway, just to say goodnight to all the horses. 

Yeah… let’s see if we can corner him tomorrow and see what’s up.
Jason took Katie’s hand to continue their walk down the lane and to the little house. It was dark, which meant everyone was in bed, which meant they should be quiet. Stopping on the porch, Jason looked down at Katie before wrapping his arms around her and giving her a long kiss. “That’ll have to tide you over til morning,” he whispered.

As much as he didn’t want to admit it, going to bed alone was rather…lonely. But he was glad they were both feeling so much better that they could actually function again. It was better this way. And having their connection… it felt like they were only inches away from each other at all times anyway. And that’s what Jason held onto as he fell asleep…

“…Again?” Jeff sighed as he sank down in a kitchen chair. He’d come over to join the family for breakfast, only to find that Katie and Jason had already been up and left together.

Rick sipped his coffee and nodded slowly. He glanced at Jeff, then Wes, then over to Cindy, who was preparing their morning meal of eggs and toast. “They’ll be back. Be glad they’re feeling well enough to actually be out of bed.”

“Yeah but…” Jeff shrugged. “I dunno. They’re like two magnets. I mean, I’ve seen them be close, but… can’t they spend any time apart? Or would that kill them?”

A little smile curled Rick’s mouth. “Jeff, would you break up two people on their honeymoon?”

Jeff blinked. “What?”

“Look, you and I can never understand what those two are going through. But think about it… if you and another person were going to share every emotion you had… wouldn’t you want to spend time getting reacquainted? Katie and Jason have a connection that goes beyond anything else. It’s a bond. Right now, they’re trying to settle into all the new – and rather invasive – sensations they’re both feeling. It can be pleasurable because it’s what they need to survive, but it can also be downright irritating and frustrating. Whether they like it or not, it’s an extremely intimate experience, and they need time to adjust.”

Jeff sighed deeply. He didn’t understand, but he could at least sort of grasp Rick’s explanation. “I guess maybe I selfishly wanted to spend more time with her.”

“You’re not the only one,” Cindy admitted as she came over and set down a dish of scrambled eggs. She gave Wes an apologetic look before cringing a little at Rick. “I wanted to just be with my son and enjoy his company but… I guess maybe I’ve gotten a little bent out of shape myself.”

Rick nodded knowingly. “I’ve never been a parent, but I can imagine. Don’t worry though – either of you. I’m not letting them go back to Nevada until they’ve gained more control. Things will settle, and they’ll be able to pry themselves apart from each other again. They need to learn to function separately again too, so they can go back to their own daily lives. It’ll come… I’m sure of it.”

Walking hand-in-hand with Katie, Jason enjoyed the morning sun. They’d both felt good when waking up, which was such a relief in itself, that getting out and being in the fresh air was a no-brainer. They’d walked down the trail a while, then had looped back towards the barns. Not much had been said but… it didn’t need to be. Approaching the main barn, Jason squinted to make out Dylan, who was rinsing out some water buckets…

Dylan turned off the hose and wiped his hands on his jeans, just ready to go back in the barn when he saw Jason and Katie approaching. “Morning.”

Jason nodded. “Hey. Katie said you wanted to talk to us? Now a good time?”

Dylan glanced around, making sure they were alone before nodding. “Yeah. I just… had a question.”

There was much troubling the young man. That much Jason could see.
He’s really struggling with something, isn’t he? 
“Okay… shoot.”

Dylan crossed his arms. “How could I get involved with the Elite?”

Jason’s eyes widened.
Okay, I wasn’t expecting that one. 
“Involved? What… do you mean?”

“I dunno, I just…” Dylan shrugged. He looked to Jason, then his cousin, almost pleading. “Is there anything I could do? Or learn? Or… or be trained?”

Jason blinked. “You mean… you want to be an agent?”

Dylan swallowed hard. “Maybe.”

“Well, Dylan, I-”

“You started when you were younger than me, right?” Dylan interrupted. He looked back to Katie. “And you left the ranch to join them, right? So… so would there be a chance for me?”

Jason glanced to Katie, still surprised and confused.
I… am at a loss here. He obviously didn’t want anyone else around to have this conversation, which leads me to believe Mick doesn’t know. So… is he serious or is he running from something?