May 6, 2017

Make sure

Kaite just listened taking everything in. She felt bad for Dylan and could feel Jason did too. She new what it was like to leave a place you didn't feel like you belonged, but had she been running away like it seemed Dylan was? 

He does have a lot of motivation. I'm not too sure I like the idea of keeping this from Mick though.

Shifting just a little and sitting down on the stump that was nearby she studied Dylan for a long moment. It was a hard life being in the Elite and sometimes Kaite hate it and missed it here even if she never really told anyone that but it also had been one of the best desitions she ever made in her life and she'd never want to change that. Maybe it really was time for Dylan to find his own way too.

   "We'll make a good strong case to Reese for you and let it go from there. I think it would be a good idea if you were honest with Mick too. I think he might respect that a little more. If you can't though I understand and Reese will...just make sure this is what you really want ok..."

Katie was silent again for a moment before continuing.

   "The Agency was a hard place to be, but sometimes the Elite is worse for a whole different reason. Just make sure you are ready for what is to come, and this is really something you want. That's all I ask."

Destiny smiled hearing Zan accept her offer. She was happy he said he would go to church with her. That was something that was imporant to her and seeing he was willing made her happy. 

   "I think I could handle lunch afterward, but you have to keep it a surprise."

Looking up as Wyatt tapped on the door Sam cocked her head hearing that Hal had called in. She new it must be because of what happened yesterday and it worried her a little. She didn't want to alarm anyone else though knowing it was not her place to say anything.

   "I'm ok for now. Around lunch do you think you could take over for me for an hour or so?"