May 31, 2017


Hal turned to Sam and smiled as he lifted his glass to hers. "To us." Pausing just as moment to watch her eyes, he finally took a sip and nodded. "Mm... it's been a while since I've had a good glass of wine." He sighed and looked at his plate. "And now... I am positively starving." 

Their work had paid off and the food tasted just as good as it had smelled. Conversation was light, the breeze was warm, and by the time their plates were empty, stars were dotting the night sky. Hal wandered to the railing to lean on it and looked out over the city, absentmindedly swirling the last bit of wine in his glass. Overall, he was happy here. Sometimes it was a pain being on the top floor, but on nights like this, it was worth it.

Glancing over his shoulder at Sam, he gestured with his head for her to join him. As she did, he remained leaning on the railing, but moved so his shoulder was against hers. With the music still playing softly in the background, the lights below, and the moon overhead, it was almost too perfect out here to be true. "I... hope you're enjoying this evening as much as I am."

Hunter liked Ryan's idea, and nodded. "You're right. There are a lot of good people there.  And as much as I recognize Dylan's more mature than he should be, I gotta remember he'd be okay in a crowd like that." He chuckled. "I just don't want Mick strangling me."

Finally standing up, he sighed and stretched. "Okay. Off we go. I'm ready to get my fast on."

Eli smiled and dismounted his bike before reaching in his saddlebag and pulling out a pair of binoculars. "Extra eyes are always good," he agreed. "Here." He handed her the binoculars. "You can help me keep an eye on these crazy drivers." 

As if on cue, a car appeared on the road, turning off into the sand to park near them. It was Jett in Tony's loaner. Getting out, he put his sunglasses up on his head and grinned at the other three. "Afternoon." Seeing Destiny, his smile widened. "Hey! You're still around!" He ambled over and gave her a teasing once-over before looking at Zan and quirking an eyebrow. 

Zan responded by shoving his shoulder. "Knock it off."

"I didn't say anything!"

"You didn't have to."

Jett just kept smiling and turned to go back to the car. "Got something for you guys," he mentioned as he reached inside and pulled out a shopping sack then handed it over to Eli. 

Confused, Eli looked inside and pulled out one of four lightweight headsets with an earpiece and microphone. "You bought these?"

"Eh. Clearance down at the electronics store." Jett shrugged. "Range is a mile - it was a smoking deal. I thought you all could keep in contact while you're practicing - or heck, during the race if you wanted."

Eli tossed one of the packages to Zan. "I think this is a brilliant idea. You're pretty smart."

Zan smirked. "Yeah, even I'm surprised."

"Ha. ha." Jett leaned back on the hood of the junker car, unamused. "Those other clowns coming?"

Eli chuckled. "Speak of the devils..." 

Hunter pulled up alongside Zan's car, glancing over as Ryan pulled up beside him, too. Slipping out, he threw his arms in the air. "Let the party begin!" 

Eli rolled his eyes but grinned over at Ryan. "Yo, Speedy! Thought you mighta decided to work the rest of the afternoon instead of playing out here with the boys."

"So then I told her if she didn't let me speed up, I's gonna stop right there and suck her blood. Shoulda seen the look on her face." Gunner grinned as he sat up in the hospital bed and told Bree about earlier that morning when the nurse had gotten him up and walking for a little while. 

He stabbed a green bean clumsily with a fork. "Told her just 'cause I can't feed myself doesn't mean I can't walk." He smirked as he got his fork halfway to his mouth when the bean slipped off and fell back onto the tray. "Besides, don't vampires turn themselves into bats?" He quirked an eyebrow at Bree, ignoring the bean. "That means I could fly and I wouldn't have to walk these darn halls anymore."