May 17, 2017

Help Me

Hearing Eli's comment Scarlet sat up still in his lap and just looked at him searching his eyes for a long moment. She could feel her heart race a little faster. Was he asking what she thought he was asking, simply wondering, was she reading into it? She wasn't sure but she could feel her hands go a little clammy as her heart beat faster.

   "I think I could definitely handle forever. Sure you wouldn't get tired of me?"

Hearing Hunter's voice and feeling the sunshine on her face Ryan stirred a little. She was so comfortable she wished morning wouldn't have to come. But she knew it must, and the day had to start. 

   "Mmmm...I guess wetting the couch would be a bad thing for a grown man to do."

Shifting Ryan pulled herself up before twisting a little to give Hunter a long kiss. She new spending the nights together was not smart, and it looked bad but she didn't much care what others thought. She knew it was innocent and they just enjoyed each other company from time to time to sleep better.

   "You go to the bathroom before you wet yourself and I will make us some coffee and breakfast."

Pulling her phone from her pocket Sam had gone over in her head a million times about where to eat and just now finally landed on a few things. She was having a hard time though as all three things sounded good to her. 

Sorry, I am getting back to you late.
We had some excitement here with the
microwave blowing up. 

Sending the message Sam waited a moment before sending another.

So I know you said I had to choose
but I am having issues choosing. I've
decided Chinese or Mexican. 
Help me Hal Kenobi you are my 
only hope!!!