May 13, 2017


As Sam spoke, Pete leaned back in his chair and listened, trying not to let his irritation show on his face. He had to grit his teeth though, and swallow the smart remark that was sitting on the tip of his tongue. He had to remember just who she was. Elite team or not, she was still FBI, and the FBI wanted to shut them down. 

"I'm sorry," he apologized politely. "I didn't even think about calling you, and I should have. It all happened so fast, I acted without even thinking." He paused and searched her face. He wanted to like her. He wanted to like Kirk and Adison too. It was just so a hard with the whole FBI issue. 

"I gotta admit... I expected more of a fight from Aaron earlier. He seemed more... docile." He paused again. "What's your end game with him anyway? I mean... what's your goal?"

Zan was pleased Ryan tried to encourage Destiny to stay. If he and Destiny were going to be hanging out more, she'd have to get to know his circle of friends, and surprise or not, this circle was part of his life right now. He was about to add his own comment, when he saw Scarlet sneak up on Eli. He wasn't sure he'd ever spoken directly to her before, but he knew well who she was. Even if she didn't race, it was a well-known fact at the races that she was Eli's.

Taken off guard by someone's hands over his eyes, then hearing Scarlet's voice, Eli's mouth turned up into a wide smile. "Um... Nancy?"

Hunter's eyes widened. Who was Nancy?

Eli shook his head. "No... maybe you're Linda. I can't keep you all straight, you know." Pulling Scarlet's hands down and turning to look up at her, his eyes danced with humor. "Oh, it's you!" He tugged her arm, bringing her down sideways into his lap. "I didn't expect to see you until tomorrow! I'll take you now though." He leaned in, giving her a kiss to the lips. "Mm... a better surprise I never had. What happened?"

Just watching the others for a moment, Zan turned back to Destiny. Did she really not want to stay or was she just being polite? He figured it might be more of the latter. "Please stay? I'm odd man out now that Scarlet is here." He pulled the chair out a little more. "None of these guys bite... I promise."