May 6, 2017


Following Jason to find Dylan Katie. It was a nice day out and she just wanted to get what Dylan had to say to them out of the way so they could enjoy the rest of the day.  Not that Dylan was a bother but it would bother her all day wanting to know what he wanted to talk to them about.

Yeah, he really is. You can tell by that look in his eyes. I didn't think he had is so bad here or that he was dealing with so much. 

Continuing to listen Katie couldn't help the surprised look on her face when Dylan mention the Elite. Looking to Jason and then back to Dylan she wasn't sure what to say completely. Did he mean he wanted to work with them, work along side them...or what did he mean.

Well then...

Katie knew Jason would be able to feel how confused she was. She never thought of Dylan leaving the ranch. Maybe he didn't like it here as much as she thought he did. What was the right road for them to take here? She didn't want to make anyone upset.

Better to join the Elite if he is running, then going back to the Agency I guess. 

   "Well, it wouldn't be our call to say if you could join or not. Reese would make that call and to be one hundred honest with all the changed that are going on with the FBI I am not sure what they want to do on bringing new people in. We could always give you Reese's number though so you can call and talk to him about it."

Sitting with Zan and just listing to him talk again it was nice to get to know him a little more. She couldn't help but feel a little bad about all he had been through with Isabella though. You could be blind, and still, see and feel how much he hurt from losing Isabella.

   "I think our faith is always put to the test at one time or another. It's getting back up when we fall own that matters."

Shifting just a little and moving her hand to flip over Zan's Destiny just absentmindedly traced the lines in his hand with her own fingers. She liked his hands, they were strong and yet gentil, you could see the oil that stained them and yet they were clean, she just liked them. '

Looking up again she smiled cocking her head to one side for a moment and pushing some hair behind her ear.

   "Maybe this Sunday you'd like to join me for church? It's nothing fancy so you don't have to worry about getting dressed up, and I think you'll like the music too."