May 8, 2017

Without You

Looking up as Wyatt came into the office Sam took her feet off the desk. Was it really lunch time already? The morning had been uneventful but still seemed to fly by. That was a good and bad thing she guessed.

   "Oh yeah if you could that would be great. Nothing really exciting going on. Aaron's door is open and he's free to move around as he pleases as long as he doesn't leave or cause trouble. Other then that nothing else going on."

Getting everything together Sam was thankful again he was covering for her. Making a quick stop at the taco stand on the way to Hal's. Walking up to the door with the bag of food and some drinks she tapped on the door and wanted. She was sure Hal was ok but she just wanted to make sure, and make sure he was eating too.

Looking up from the car she had been working on Ryan's smile faded a little. She knew it would be coming and something about today just seemed to tell her it was the day, but it still hurt thinking about not having Axel at work anymore.

   "It's just not going to be the same without you around here you know?!"

Ryan fiddled with the wrench in her hand. She new Axel already knew that but it was really true.

   "Thanks for letting me know."

Smiling at her dad she rolled her eyes too. He was a worry wart, but maybe that was his job to do that. She couldn't fault him for that. At least he cared about her. 

   "I'm doing exactly like Rick said, on the mend. It's just going to take time. I think some days will be better than others."

Jumping down from the fence and petting the horse's neck Katie smile before nuzzling her face into the horse. She missed the smell of them, honestly she missed this place.

   "Want to go for a ride, or talk a walk? You have me all to yourself till this afternoon?"