May 11, 2017


Looking up at Sam as she was preparing to leave, Hal chuckled. "Seriously? Most people like to avoid grouches like me, ya know, not keep spending time with them." 

In spite of himself though... he was smiling. She'd done it to him again. Amidst the storm, she was the sunshine that broke through the clouds. He rolled his eyes and stood up to walk her to the door. "Okay. Dinner. But you pick what we do. Just make it somewhere other than here so I have a reason to leave my apartment." 

He opened the door and leaned on it, finding his gaze on her face again. It always seemed to return there... to that smile... to those eyes. "Thank you... for coming over. You can text me later when you decide about dinner."

Gunner swallowed hard and just leaned his head against Bree, trying to sort through everything. It was overwhelming to say the least, and frustrating not to be able to just make a decision. What would he have done a couple years ago? When his mind had been more clear? 

It wasn't much later that he was slowly walking back to his room, hand-in-hand with Bree. He had fallen silent - not unresponsive, but close to it, other than holding her hand and walking on his own. Once they'd reached his room, he sighed. It really wasn't a bad room, considering where he was. It was just... small. 

He sank down to sit on the bed and looked up at Bree with sadness in his eyes. He'd created this. All of it. He was here because he'd been stupid, and she was hurting because of it, too. "I'll do it," he whispered. "I'll have the surgery. I can't... I can't keep living like this." 

"Right... there. Hold it, hold it." Zan directed Jett as they worked on his car, fitting a used part in place. 

Hunter looked over their shoulders. He'd scavenged for that particular part just this morning. "Did it work?"

"I think..." Zan gave the wrench one more turn. "It did." 

"Whew." Hunter stepped back and wiped his hands on his rag. 

Eli set his own case of supplies down after having arrived shortly before. "Give 'er a try."

Zan slipped in behind the wheel and turned on the ignition. The engine roared to life, but it wasn't loud enough to muffle all the guys' whoops of excitement. He got out while it was still running and looked the engine over. "Doesn't sound all that pretty," he mentioned loudly, "but good enough to run!" 

Once it had been shut off again, Eli wandered closer. "Now it's my turn to make her pretty again. Then we need to put our heads together and figure out what to do about Thunder. You free tonight?"

Zan nodded. Hunter shook his head. "Got a date with your sister."

Eli smirked. "Well we wouldn't wanna interrupt that now would we? Can you cut it short? Or start later? We need to form a plan so you guys can whip Thunder as soon as possible."

Hunter rolled his eyes. "I'll see what she thinks. Man... you guys are cramping my style here."

Zan grinned as he tinkered a little more in the engine. "I'll just be glad to get Thunder out of the races for good."

Jett stood back a little, glancing between the other men, not really intentionally excluded, but not really a part of it either. "We should go to Mom and Pop's for pizza," he suggested. "It's not a usual hangout for the racing crowd, so nobody should be able to figure out something's going on." 

Zan quirked an eyebrow. "I guess that would be okay."

Eli shrugged. "Sure."

A long pause followed and Jett grabbed a rag to wipe his hands. "I gotta get to work. I get off at seven though, so I'll see you guys later." 

"I might have to make it a little earlier," Hunter warned. "If Ryan and I are gonna do anything afterwards." 

"I can do it at six," Eli suggested.

Zan nodded. "Me too." 

"Oh." Jett shrugged. "Well I'll get there as quick as I can." 

After he'd left, Hunter pulled out his phone. 
Hey Babe. What time you get
off? Wanna go to Mom and
Pop's at 6? Zan and Eli wanna
talk about the races.

He grinned and sent a second text. 
Then we can have the rest
of the evening to ourselves. 
To do... whatever.

"Can you tell me about you and Destiny? How did you meet?"

Chance hugged his pillow tightly as he sat on the infirmary bed, undergoing another session with Justin. The question produced new tears. "Um... I... I was her bodyguard. After her parents were killed by the Underground." He swallowed hard. "The Elite had me keep her safe until things settled down."

"Did they?"

"For a little while."

Justin cocked his head. "When did you two start a relationship?"

"While I was staying with her. It just... happened."

"Did she know you had ties to the Underground?"

Chance shook his head and curled into the pillow a little more. "She hated me for that... when it was found out."

"What did you do then?"

"I... I left. The Elite took my badge and I..." His eyes gained a faraway look. "I had nothing left."

Silence reigned for a few moments until Justin spoke again. "Where did you go?"

Chance sighed. "Home. Arizona. But... but my dad was just proven right that I was worthless. There was nothing for me there. The Elite didn't want me anymore. And I'd betrayed the Underground." He blinked another tear away. "They wanted me back though... for information... and to teach me a lesson... they kidnapped Destiny and... wanted to trade me."

"What happened?"

"Reese wanted me to switch sides. Go through with the trade. Then I could be a double-agent again but this time working for the Elite. But... when I saw Destiny, I... I couldn't do it. She was the only person I ever really cared for and... and the only one who ever really cared about me." Several more tears escaped and fell to soak into the pillow. "The Elite put me away for a while. Had me too deep for anyone to find while I helped with some cases and gave them Underground intel."

"Then you came back."

Chance nodded. "I had to."


"Because..." His voice quivered. "I had to see Destiny again. And... and she forgave me and... and took me back and... and she still loved me."

Justin sighed deeply and leaned back in his chair. "Why did the Underground want you back after all the intel you'd given the Elite?"

Chance had a hard time getting his mind back off of Destiny. "Um... I... I guess because I hadn't given up the most important information." He sniffed and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "They... they knew I hadn't told the Elite everything so... so they knew a part of me was still loyal. And they wanted my skills."

"Why were you still loyal? Why didn't you give up everything to the Elite?"

Chance shrugged. "I dunno."

Justin studied him intently. "Was it the control you liked? Knowing you still held an ace up your sleeve?"

Chance shrugged again. He'd honestly never thought about it. "Maybe." His reddened eyes drifted over to Justin. "Is that what's wrong with me?" he whimpered. "Is that why I can't ever seem to do the right thing?"

"Why do you think something's wrong with you?"

"Because.... because I can't ever... ever seem to..." His breathing grew shallow and he started to rock back and forth. "To... to do wh-what I... I want and... and... I can't..."

"Hey, calm down." Justin stood and neared to put a hand on his shoulder. "Easy. Breathe. Just breathe." He glanced over at Misty with worry, silently asking for help to get Chance calmed down again. The mild medication they had him on had definitely helped, but he still got pushed over the edge when he got worked up like this.