May 15, 2017


Mick sighed and shook his head. "If I knew I was keeping Dylan safe, it would be worth him hating me." He paused. "Not that he doesn't hate me already anyway." His eyes rolled. Things with Dylan really hadn't been so bad lately. Up until earlier today, they hadn't had harsh words in quite a while, and Mick had noticed his son smiling more and even laughing once in a while - which was, quite frankly, amazing. Then this was happening. 

"I know Reese wouldn't knowingly put Dylan in danger, I just... I'm not sure it's wise. Then again... if I say no, there's nothing stopping Dylan from just taking off. He's eighteen... I can't keep him here if he doesn't want to stay." He shrugged lamely. "So maybe it would be better for him to be in Nevada around people I trust, rather than out on his own, who knows where." Another sigh surfaced. It was common knowledge that the Elite was different than any other law enforcement. While the police, FBI and other branches required their officers to go through rigorous training, including going to school at an academy, the Elite recruited based on passion and a willingness to learn on the job. Which was better? Which was safer? 

"Not that Dylan will even end up staying." Mick continued his thoughts out loud. "If he gets a taste of what they do there, he might not want to be involved at all. He's just... he's so good at what he does here. He's got to be one of the best horsemen I've ever seen, even at his age. I can tell he was born to be in the saddle and I just... I can't seem to make him happy here."

Eli smiled at his sister's determination, and he nodded. "Good. When's the next novice race?" 

Hunter squinted as he tried to think. "Um..."

Zan paused mid-chew to think as well before shaking his head. "I can't remember if it's Wednesday or Thursday." He finished his mouthful and pulled out his phone. "Jett might know." 
Hey - when's the next novice race? 

Hearing his phone again, Jett sighed. He was tempted to ignore it, but finally looked at the message which just made him roll his eyes. "What? Nobody there knows?" he muttered. 

He thought about just ending it there, but sent a second message too. 
Four regulars and two newbies
moving up.  
He set his phone aside again and turned his eyes back to the sky. Why were they wanting to know about the novices? Were they planning to go after Thunder there? What was their scheme? He wished he knew but... they had it covered. He could just ask Zan later that they were doing. 

Getting Jett's quick reply, Zan chuckled. "He knows everything. Wednesday. Six racers. Seven if Thunder shows up." 

"He will," Eli predicted. "He's not done showing off yet."

"With us, that makes ten," Hunter mused. "That's a huge novice race. It could be quite a mess."

"Not if you slip in after the start," Eli reminded. "I don't care if it's obvious to everyone what you're doing. You're not there to race, you're there to take out the garbage." 

Conversation continued, revolving mostly around the race and cars, until the pop was gone and all that remained of the pizza were crusts. Eli leaned back in his chair and stifled a belch as he stretched. "I'm beat. I must be getting old." He threw Scarlet a glance. "I'm not too tired for you though. How about a movie back at my place?"

Hunter grinned and nudged Ryan with his leg. Looked like they'd have to find somewhere else to go. Probably his place unless she wanted to go out somewhere. And tonight... he was good for either one. 

Finishing up his glass of pop, Zan sighed and turned to Destiny, giving her a smile. "I'm glad you showed up. Did you walk or drive?" 

Aaron's eyes showed the wheels in his mind were turning as Sam talked. It was a free ride to freedom... but not. There was always a price to pay, and knew in this case, the highest price was probably the Agency intel. He'd expected interrogations this whole time though, and honestly was amazed they hadn't thrown him in a room with Garret for a few hours. 

"Why?" He knew he asked that a lot, but he just didn't understand. "I get wanting Agency intel. I get why the Elite wants to keep me around so they can keep an ace up their sleeve. But... why in the world would you care about me having a life? What's it to you whether I'm still in the Agency or not? I was happy there... what's with the whole goal of trying to get me out?" It was a lot of questions, but really it all boiled down to one: why did Sam care about him as a human being? It didn't make sense.