May 2, 2017

Hate Me

Hal hadn't heard Sam approach, so when she put her arm around him, he recoiled...but only for a second. He was too broken in this moment to shy away from the comfort being given. Curling into Sam's embrace, he just let her hold him as he cried on her shoulder. It had been longer than he could remember since he'd been hugged or held... especially by a woman. And Sam's presence was like a soothing balm to his injured soul. 

Time didn't matter, and Hal wasn't sure how long he'd stayed like this, but as his emotions calmed, he knew he couldn't remain all day. Slowly drawing back, his eyes remained down. Even though he was glad Sam was here, this emotional display was somewhat embarrassing. Without saying anything, he stood and trudged to the bathroom where he washed his face and tried to make himself halfway presentable again. 

Coming back to the living room, he returned to the couch. Sitting, he pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms around his legs, leaning his head back to stare up at the ceiling. It was such a contrast to his normally confident posture. Today he looked like a beaten little boy. He could feel Sam's eyes on him, and finally dared to look her direction. 

He started to say something, but his voice cracked, and he had to clear his throat. "I''m sorry... you had to witness this mess." He shifted his gaze back to the ceiling. "Alison told me I'm being overprotective and trying to ruin her future just because I want things my way." He shrugged lamely. "Maybe she's right. Maybe her mom really is giving her more than I ever could." Even though his tears were done for now, the hurt was evident in his voice. "I grew up feeling ignored and unloved. I just... wanted to make sure I was never that kind of parent... but maybe I just need to let her go. I don't want her to hate me."

Zan couldn't help laughing at Destiny's comment, though a bit of color did come to his face. "Um... I guess you'll have to be the judge?" He wandered in behind her and to the kitchen, eyeing the basket and wondering what she'd prepared for their food. 

"I've got two camping chairs in the car," he mentioned. "And a blanket. Didn't know what to expect. I... may have stopped on the way and gotten some Dr. Pepper too... just in case you needed your fix." He grinned, and only then remembered what was in his hand. "Oh... these are for you." He handed her the little bouquet of daisies that were held together with a light blue ribbon. "When I saw them I just... thought of you."