May 10, 2017

No Matter

Getting to Brookshire and seeing Gunner Bree returned the hug. She was happy to see him and happy to see he was happy with her as well. Sitting down close to Gunner Bree just listened. She didn't know everything that was being said but she could catch enough. She let her Uncle do most of the talking as he knew a little more of what was going on. 

Hearing about the risks that went along with the surgery Gunner would have to have to help him Bree could feel her heart race as she looked over at Gunner. She knew he was scared, she could tell by the look in his eyes and honestly, she was too not knowing what was going on.

Once let where alone again Bree let out a long sigh. Looking over at Gunner again she finally stood and wondered over to the chair he was in. Slipping down alongside him was hard but she didn't mind the tight fit if she could be close. Putting her arm around him and her other hand in his she leaned her head on his shoulder.

   "No matter what you won't lose me. I love you too much to let that happen. We will always find our way to each other."

Looking up at him Bree smiled before bringing her hand to the side of his face. Just running her finger over his cheek for a long moment.

   "I will back you up no matter you decide to do...ok?"

   "She's won't pull away she just needs to spread her wings and fly. I've never been a parent so I don't know how this feels, but I can't blame you for how you are feeling. I would more then likely feel the same way."

Smile Sam went for another chip but stopped taking Hal's hand in her own and held it for a long moment giving it a gentle squeeze. She really did hope that just being here helped.

Turning back to the tv and letting go of his hand Sam reached for another chip. She did hope things would get better for Hal he didn't deserve to be so sad.

Giving a grin to Miles as Axel walked away Ryan shook her head. Darrel and Axel would let everyone else know when they thought the time was right. It was their news to share not hers, no matter how happy she was. 

   "Get back to work would ya. That car isn't going to fit itself, and I got a date tonight so I'm not doing it for you."

Though her tone sounded irritated a smile was still on her face. She loved keeping the other guys in the dark sometimes and watch them stew. It was just a little joy she got from it.