May 16, 2017

Get Out

Aaron had always heard Sam's words. But maybe today was the first time he was actually listening. He thought back to before the Agency when no one had cared. His mother hadn't cared. His sister hadn't cared. His so-called friends hadn't cared. His school teachers hadn't cared. He'd learned at a very young age that he didn't matter to anyone else. Even when he'd thought Brooke cared, it had just been a lie. And then he'd found out even the Agency itself planned for him to die. He'd mentally fought the intel Garret had found, and had not admitted out loud that he believed it but... deep down, he knew it to be true. Then there was Garret himself - the only operative that Aaron had looked up to, and he'd betrayed everything Aaron had known. And right now, in this moment, Sam was telling him that she was a friend. That she, in essence, wouldn't let him down, but would help him. And it was very hard to swallow. 

How could his entire life this far have been such a total waste? He was thirty years old, and at a complete standstill with everything having been destroyed. Everything. Whether Sam or the Elite were there or could he possibly rebuild something worth living? How could he possibly pick up all those pieces again and build something different that was actually worth the effort? He wanted out of here so badly he could taste it. And yet... what was the point with nowhere to go? 

Realizing he'd fallen totally silent, he blinked and snapped his gaze back up to Sam. He'd trusted so many people who had let him down. What made Sam any different? 

He let the entire subject drop without another word about it, and slid off the bed, grabbing one crutch. "I'm gonna take a walk," he mentioned quietly. He also picked up the supplies she'd brought. "I'll take these back to the infirmary." He didn't say anything more, and slowly hobbled out of the room. Getting to the infirmary, he had just a little trouble pushing the door open, but he managed. Once inside, he caught Misty's eye and tried to approach in a nonthreatening way, holding up the first aid supplies so she'd realize why he was there. "Sam... she brought these to me," he explained and turned his arm so Misty could see the bandage. "So I just wanted to bring them back." 

He set the supplies on her desk and turned to leave, but then stopped and looked back at her for a moment, just studying her face. "I know you weren't in too deep in the Agency before but... you were in deep enough. What... made you want to get out?"

"Mm... I think watching the stars with you sounds amazing." Eli stole one last kiss from Scarlet before releasing her. It didn't take long to finish up the dishes then go out onto the back deck. Eli picked his normal lounge chair where he could stretch out, but instead of letting Scarlet sit in a different one, he pulled her down in his lap. There wasn't enough room for both of them, which forced her to lie close to him - which was his intention. With her back on his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and sighed deeply. His eyes roamed the dark sky with twinkling little lights. 

"I could spend the rest of my life like this right here," he mentioned softly. "Of course, that would require you being around that long..." He gave her neck a playful kiss. "Think you could handle me as an old man, hmm?" 

A little tingle ran down Hunter's spine at Ryan's words, and he gave her another squeeze. "Eh... pretty sure I don't deserve all that but... I'm glad you think so." Surely he could dare hope now that this was something that would last, right? He didn't have to be afraid anymore that she was just leaning on him to move on later, right? This was... real? 

He hooked his leg around hers and buried his face into her neck, just soaking in her warmth. "I won't tell anybody if you fall asleep," he mumbled. He shouldn't have suggested it. He knew better. But he couldn't help missing how peaceful he slept with her in his arms. It was like nothing else and... people could think what they would. This right here was all he wanted. Nothing more.