March 11, 2017


Ryan gave a small nod to Carson. He knew it was hard and she knew how much he loved his brother. He hoped to see Alec walk through the door, she had seen a version of him, maybe they had that in common too. 

   "All we can do it one step at a time. I'm happy you have Misty now to help you."

Shifting again a little Ryan knew she had to get going. Hunter was waiting and she didn't want to keep him too long. She also knew that Carson had to get back to work. 

   "I better get going. Keep taking one day at a time ok, things will get better."

Giving a small smiled Ryan turned from Carson and made her way back outside. Letting out a long sign she smiled as she saw Hunter. She was happy he had taken her today. 

Going over to him on the bike she leaned in to kiss him letting it linger for a moment before pulling away.

   "I had some pictures of Alec I wanted to give him. Thanks for bringing me."

    "Hey, Rick just came back we don't need to be the ones who drove him away again right?"

Katie smiled taking Jason's hand in her won. She knew this was hard for him it was hard for her too. But she was going to do her best and try to stay positive. Standing and taking Jason's hand in her own she started to walk slowly back to the car. She really didn't want to go back to work at the moment but she knew she had too.

   "I won't leave when we get back. I think Reese will understand if I slack a little."

Finally getting to the car and getting in Katie turned to Jason slightly she just studied him for a long moment before smiling. Maybe things would be different this time and everything would work out ok. She hoped it would anyways.

  "You are right, there were some good perks weren't there?!"