March 12, 2017

Some help

Continuing to fix Clint up Angel just listened and she couldn't help but be a little bit surprised with how angry he sounded. Was it from hurting himself or did it run deeper? She wasn't sure but it was odd to see Clint like this and she didn't like the way it felt at all. 

   "Have you tried telling someone you want or need some help? Sounds like you might need it but if you don't tell anyone how will they know?"

Finishing up the stitching and going back to the cabinet Angel grabbed some painkillers and water, along with some wrapping. Handing him the water and pain meds Angel smiled a little before wrapping his wrist with some bandages.

    "You need to take it easy with this ok? Talk to Wes, or Sparky...get some help. Let them know you need it and I don't think they will say no, do you?"

Adison looked up at Kirk and smiled. She knew what he was thinking that it was the last resort going right to them when Reese had said to forget it. But honestly, they needed to know for their safety and everyone else. How could they be a team if there were secrets?!

As Kirk kissed her neck Adison giggled a little. Looking at him her eyes twinkled. Work had been going good other then the bumps here and there but Adison really had been enjoying things, and continuing to work with Kirk was even better. He would always be her favorite partner.

   "I could give up some good information...but not for free you know."

Learning in Adison places a kiss on Kirk's lips before she retreated next her eyes twinkling. 

Keeping her arms tightly around Hunter Ryan was thankful got the bike ride today to just clear her head, her thoughts and to just feel free flying on the open road with having him so close to her. She didn't care where they went, how long they rode, or if it took them forever to get there. She just wanted to enjoy this ride with the person she held dear to her.

Hearing Hunter's question Ryan gave a little nod and a small squeeze even if he couldn't see her. Her stomach growled a little but it was not enough to be worried.

   "I think I can hold out for a little while longer."