March 9, 2017

So Proud

Jason sighed with relief, and he started to relax, even though his hands still shook. "Sorry you had a nightmare but glad you're okay. I'm fine. I just... had a feeling was all." That was putting it mildly, but it was the best he could do at the moment. "Try to go back to sleep. I'm still in the infirmary... but I'm okay, so if you need anything, call me." Ending the call, he sat with slumped shoulders on the bed, his gaze down.

Rick gave Misty another worried glance. He stepped in and put a hand to Jason's forehead and was surprised to find it cool. "Your fever broke..."

Jason nodded numbly. 

"How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted." Jason finally eased over to lay on his side again. He refused to look up at either of them.

Rick pursed his lips grimly. He didn't like it that Jason's body had gotten so hot then cooled down so fast. It wasn't natural. "Jase..."

Jason nodded slowly. "I know," he almost whispered. "Just... let me tell Katie myself, okay?"

"Okay. But don't wait too long." Rick turned and motioned for Misty to follow him a short distance away where he kept his voice low. "Whether it shows up yet in his blood work or not, there's no way we can ignore this. The foreign element is definitely coming back." Worry laced his tone. What would it be like this time? The same? More severe? It already seemed to be coming back with more severity, but maybe it was just the beginning stages. Maybe it would ease off. Then what about Katie? She hadn't shown any signs yet at all. Would Jason even survive if the element didn't show up in Katie? There were far too many questions - they made Rick's own head hurt. He sighed deeply. "You should go home for the night and get some rest. I'll stay... I've had my vacation."

Jason lay quietly, pretending not to hear, but he did. He didn't want to accept any of this. But deep down, he'd known this was coming for a while now. He just hadn't wanted to admit it. He had no idea what it would mean for him or Katie. It felt different this time - did that mean it would be worse? Would it really eventually kill them both? He could only hope that if that were true, that she wouldn't be affected this time. He'd rather die knowing she was okay than knowing she'd be gone with him. 

He turned over his hand to look at his scar... it itched and burned in his palm. Closing his eyes tight, he tried to just go back to sleep. His body was exhausted and he knew if this was just the beginning, he would need to recover, and fast.

Seeing Ryan stop so suddenly, Eli just gave her space, not sure what was going on. It worried him though. She'd been doing so well... was she having a relapse so soon? 

Her tears made his heart hurt. He wasn't sure what she meant, but he could tell that another step forward had been taken. Reaching out, he pulled her into a tight hug, and kissed the top of her head. "Letting go is hard," he whispered. "But you're doing so well and I'm so proud of you. It's going to be okay."

Imagining the chaos, Hal had to laugh. "Oh, we would make quite a sight, wouldn't we?" He shook his head, still chuckling at the mental images. "I'm on the top of a roof too - you'd be able to see the smoke for miles." 

Hearing her thanks, he turned to her and gave her a thin smile. "I think I should be thanking you, actually. I could have just been home all day, napping in front of the television. But... I've... really enjoyed this too." His eyes locked with hers for a moment as he searched them. Had they always sparkled quite like that, or was it just the sunlight? 

He broke his gaze and cleared his throat. "Well... tomorrow night, you can get a taste of your catch."