March 3, 2017

Sick Tomorrow

Getting out of the car and linking her fingers with his Ryan was ready to face the world tonight, nervous and all Hunter was by her side, she could do this. Doing what Hunter said and holding her head up Ryan looked to him and smiled. She could do this, she had too.

   "I've got you by my side, how could I not be proud."

Following Hunter Ryan's eyes scanned the people as they watched them. Some were more than likely starting the gossip, some seemed happy to see Ryan. others were confused. Ryan tried to pay little mind to them as she walked. Coming in a little closer to Hunter Ryan refused to let her smile fall.

As Scott rested his head in her lap Hope didn't mind. Grabbing some of the grapes she had packed and munching on them slowly. Running her fingers through Scott's hair as he just rested there.  Hearing his question she thought for a long moment.

   "I could never get tired of you Scott. That's the power of love. I accept you the way you are and am here to help all I can."

It was true. She did love Scott how he was, but if he wanted to get better she would help. If he wanted to stay the same she would still be there. Scott was special to her no matter what.

   "If I was to get sick tomorrow and look old, lose all my hair, Would you still love me?"

Taking another sip of her coffee and searching Travis face Ashlee could tell something was off. She didn't know what was wrong or what he needed to talk about but she couldn't help the strange feeling she had in the pit of her stomach.

   "Um yeah a walk would be great. If you need to talk to me now though you can. Promis I wont bite."