March 14, 2017

Run Away

Waking up hours after Clint had left Wendy looked around the room not seeing Clint. The kids hadn't woke yet. Maybe he was already in the kitchen with coffee so she could start breakfast. Wandering into the kitchen and not seeing anyone Wendy noticed the note.  Her heart sank a little as she read the words. She wanted to do something special and he new that but now he was gone. And the part about him looking for work confused her a little.

Not being able to help what happened next Wendy couldn't stop the tears that rolled down her cheek as she shoulders shook and she sank down in the chair in the kitchen. What was happening with her family?

Hearing the baby cry Wendy sucked in a deep breath trying to stop her tears. Another day...she had to be strong for the kids. She had to just go about the day no matter what it took.

   "Don't run away. You have to prove and show them you have changed. Even if it's hard."

Thirteen sat up straight for a moment before sinking down again a little. She could see by the way Garret talked he really was trying to change. There was a sadness about him too. Did everyone who wanted to change have to be sad? Carson was sad for a while, sometimes she was sad, and Garret was sad. Maybe it was just the Agency itself that did that.

   "You can come here anytime I am working...I can try to be your friend too. Just...if I jump for a while don't take any offense. Just my mind sometimes runs away with itself sometimes still. ok?"

Ryan was still super confused at the went closer to the building and Eli opened the door. She didn't really understand why they were there. Finally realizing it was her own car that looked brand new Ryan looked between Hunter and Eli and then back at the car.

Moving forward closer to the car Ryan heard what Eli said but didn't reply. Just letting her fingers run over the red smoke on the sides it almost felt like Ryan's breath was taken away. A few tears ran her cheek. Not because she was sad, but because she felt joy. They would go through all this trouble to do this for her?

   "I....I don't know what to say."

Ryan circled the car again as she bent down to look in the window. From what she was told, and could remember her car had been messed up pretty bad. She had been lucky to walk away alive, but it didn't even look like anything had happened to it. 

Standing and going back to her brother and Hunter Ryan wrapped her arms around them both and pulled them both into a big hug.

   "Thank you...thank you so much. This...this has no words."