March 6, 2017


Looking quickly at Tal as he suggested ice cream Ryan was a little shocked. She hadn't expected him to be here tonight let alone now he was wanting to spend a little more time with them. Looking to Hunter and then Eli Ryan was quiet once again. Thinking for a long moment, not sure if they should go or not. Would it be a good idea? Maybe Tal was trying and she should at least give him that. 

   "Ice cream sounds good to me."

Giving a smile to Eli and Tal, Ryan nodded. She would do ice cream. She wanted to spend time with Hunter and her brother. Having Tal there was not an issue to her and even if it was awkward maybe this would help the road to recovery.

   "After ice cream if you want to come back or do something else we can."

Just watching the water where her pole was Sam smiled. She had in a way figured a lot of waiting was involved, but honestly, she didn't mind. After the busy work week just relaxing sounded nice.

   "That just gives us more time to chat and in our line of work, just relaxing for the weekend sounds nice. So do you fish often?"